>February 2016
>Wii U
>Pokémon Safari
>All the six region are connected with new areas in one big continent
>This game is set 100 years after RGB
>You're Blue great-grandson
>Your father is the current Pokémon Professor
>Gives you the quest to capture all the pokémon species to become the next pokémon professor
>Pokemon are now 1000
>Megas are reconned into oblivion
>The current pokédex gets a deep retcon: evolutonary methods, abilities, movepools, BSTs, stat spreads are all rebuilt from scratch.
>Types are slightly different: Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Ice, Poison, Sound, Ground, Mineral (previously rock), Metal (previously steel), Psychic, Warrior (previously fighting), Trickster (previously dark), Bug, Beast (quadrupedal previously normal pokémon), Ogre (bipedal previously normal pokémon), Bird (previously flying but not all of them, just the birds), Fairy, Dragon, Ghost, DNA (new type, extremely rare, for pokémon that can change their DNA stucture or are artificially made: I.E. Eevee, Arceus, Mew, Porygon, Ditto)
>New type chart from scratch
>Pokémon who need one get a new evolution, every type combination is used
>Your stater is Eevee (there is one of every kind now)
>Your rivals are the other 5 pupils of the other 5 regions
>Every legendary gets its quest (the duos/trios togheter obviously, with their master)
>You have to battle the 21 type specialist scaterred in the continent
>You have to battle the X specialist based of every type or strategy of battle (double, triple, inverse, wheater, stall and so on)
>Everytime you've defeated one of these specialist they put a signature in your file, when you've obtained all the signature (plus the last one from your father for obtaining every pokémon species) you become the professor.
>Post game quests: various battle facilites, sidequest challanges (contest, racing).