>>23352068Listen here faggot.
2010-2012 is literally just the same as now.
Only difference is that less OC, tripfags and drawfags are around.
2010-2012 when we were /tr/ was ABSOLUTE SHIT. RP threads may as well have been a fucking sticky and invaded ALMOST EVERY DAMN THREAD. Weaselfucker and Germancunt made me want to put a bullet in my head every time I lurked this place and I'd take buttscab and Slimeshitter over them anytime since atleast slimeshitter is nice enough to post his own threads which are just troll bait and buttscab/shinydick or whatever name he's under is just swami from r9k watered down as fuck. But with weaselfucker using that spambot to autosage threads he didn't like with furry shit and the rest of the tripfagottry fanning the flames, the place was FUCKING USABLE. Teckworks, Mystical and all the rest of the rest of him did give some "good" art but that was like if you were furry with fetishes like piss and tickling. I could tolerate all of that but the one thing which pissed me off was that the board WAS SLOW as fuck. It was a boring endless stream of cancer. It only stopped when m00t started focusing more on us when canvas failed and put on better captcha to fuck spammers in the ass and gave us that sticky to help clean our selves up.
I suppose the "good" times can be 2012-2013 when BW2 was coming out and the moderation we had kept cancer out and let the hype stay.
Unfortunately some of the cancer from two years ago was still fighting to stay alive and the dawnfag was basically a prototype of slimeshitter.
However I do agree with you that the current /vp/ suck cocks. I swear it's like we're INVESTED with over opinionated asses and cunts who can't into a catalog so they spam the board with shit and the moderation has a serious stick up its ass.
TL;DR. /vp/, was never good, it was only tolerable and people have varying levels of tolerance.