This might surprise you coming from anon but I fucking hate it. The first one, read, first one, was clever. It was actually thinking about how (I think it was Mighteanna? Some generic dog) might look bred for different traits. This took a lot of thought and artistry.
Then people started doing it by drawing one pokemon and changing the stripe patterns to other shit. This is lazy and uninteresting to look at since it's the same fucking pokemon body with a different coloration.
Then people decided to make the patterns based on other pokemon patterns. Again, lazy, and uninteresting. I know what Giraffarig's pattern looks like, I don't need to see it on a Linoone.
The final step, combining forms of pokemon, is stupid for a lot of reasons. First: It's been done. Pokemon fusions were already a thing, and even automated sprite fusions were a thing. Those at least were funny, as an artist did a rendition of what a computer mangled together. But these new fusions (AND I SAY FUSIONS BECAUSE THEY DO NOT LOOK LIKE MUTT BREEDS BUT TWO POKEMON'S TRAITS SQUASHED TOGETHER. Why the fuck would an evee just magically grow wings) don't satisfy being tongue in cheek, and also don't actually look like thought went into how these pokemon could be combined, like pic related.
Look at OPs fucking picture. If I said to you, "it's a picture of a togetic, then a togetic with cherub features, zubat features, and then an aromatise with a neck," and then you looked at the picture, you gained NOTHING from looking at the picture. Whereas if I say, "it's a skeleton hitmonchan," and then tell you to look at my picture, you'll say, "wow, they went in an interesting direction [INSERT OBSERVATION HERE]" for example, mangling the skirt, adding mummy bandages instead of a glove.
Pokemon fan art should either be good art or have an interesting idea to contribute. FUck this shit.