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100KiB, 842x355, gym_leaders__my_version_by_chrisofduty6-d371tr9[1].png
Quoted By: >>23441172 >>23441177 >>23441186 >>23443589
Every Pokemon region is inherently flawed.
They're designed around you being from the starting town to progressively get harder as you get toward the end. Pokemon get stronger on the routes, gym leaders get more Pokemon and become more difficult, and the evil team members get stronger.
Let's remove the evil teams for this discussion. Pretend that nothing is wrong in the world and you're just a trainer.
What would happen in RBYFRLG if you started in Fuscia? Koga would be your first gym leader, or you'd have to travel all the way to Pewter to start from the beginning, which would be nigh impossible because of the powerful trainers and Pokemon along the routes. You'd be locked into Fuscia with no way out unless someone gave you a powerful Pokemon... but that wouldn't work either, because traded Pokemon don't obey you unless you have badges.
This applies to every region.
Then you add in the idea that gym leaders are supposed to be the best trainer of their type... but some have only one or two Pokemon, and many have duplicate Pokemon. For what purpose? Any schmuck in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar would be a better gym leader than Brock, Misty, and even Sabrina.
It's all so fucking stupid, why do we eat it up?
They're designed around you being from the starting town to progressively get harder as you get toward the end. Pokemon get stronger on the routes, gym leaders get more Pokemon and become more difficult, and the evil team members get stronger.
Let's remove the evil teams for this discussion. Pretend that nothing is wrong in the world and you're just a trainer.
What would happen in RBYFRLG if you started in Fuscia? Koga would be your first gym leader, or you'd have to travel all the way to Pewter to start from the beginning, which would be nigh impossible because of the powerful trainers and Pokemon along the routes. You'd be locked into Fuscia with no way out unless someone gave you a powerful Pokemon... but that wouldn't work either, because traded Pokemon don't obey you unless you have badges.
This applies to every region.
Then you add in the idea that gym leaders are supposed to be the best trainer of their type... but some have only one or two Pokemon, and many have duplicate Pokemon. For what purpose? Any schmuck in the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar would be a better gym leader than Brock, Misty, and even Sabrina.
It's all so fucking stupid, why do we eat it up?