Trading, Breeding, Battling, Autism, and Shitposting
Giveaways, Circlejerking, Mystery Eggs, and General Questions
Pokémon WiFi General - /wfg/ - Old Thread:
>>23447217 A guide for beginners and mentally incapacitated folks alike: >Hey OP! I've been looking for a place to give out or collect breeding leftovers. People are encouraged to dump their free leftovers here. Don't hesitate to ask for anything being given out for free.
>Hey OP! I like hacks and clones! I also want to add you for for Friend Safari ;)) There are other threads for those things.
>Hey OP! I like posting text lists! Text lists are shit. Copy and paste that into an image or a pastebin if you have to.
>Hey OP! I like shitposting and circlejerking, but I don't want to clog the thread with my nonsense. What do? Obligatory link to the perma-dead IRC: #wfg on >Hey OP! I really dislike this wall of text! I'm going to complain about it! :^)
Common Answers to Common Questions
> Talonflame has access to Flame Body and Fly, use it. > Move Tutor/Deleter are in the same house in Dendemille. > Name Rater is in the town near the Breeding Centre > The Daycare is on the route after the Snorlax encounter. > Skrelp/Clauncher (I'm assuming they're caught in the same place since they're exclusives) can be caught with a Good Rod off the Coast of Cyllage City. > The Good Rod is in Coumarine City. > Sail Fossil is Amamura, Jaw Fossil is Tyrunt. > Ditto is in the PokéPark area at the end of the twisting woods. It's just before the 8th gym. > Don't ask for Mega Stones for derps, you're not going to get them. > Happiness checker is in Laverre City in the Pokemon Fan Club. > If you're going to trip/namefag then make sure your in-game name is the same as your trip/name, it gets very confusing. > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. > IV Guy is in Kiloude City pokecenter.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
It's really like B/W just came out!
>Default Strain (Might be from hacked Pokérus) >No GTS metadata available Holy throwback Batman.
Free Shit: >>23454923 Thanks me too.
>>23454941 I'm good on berries. It's mostly for the newfruit who feel guilty for taking like four things.
>>23454947 Oh boy. :3
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Dark_Booty (AS,Y, 2165-5563-7058) !Bootym0QC6
Dark_Booty (AS,Y, 2165-5563-7058) !Bootym0QC6 Mon 18 May 2015 22:19:32 No. 23455008 Report Quoted By:
>>23454948 Still here bro?
>>23455000 roger
Anyone got or can clone me a timid yveltal
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>>23455000 >trips then dubs it's like a full house of gets
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>23455009 >using Timid Yveltal over Jolly/Naive Anonymous
>>23455009 yes, put a luvdisc on gts
I have a ditto friend safari friend I was wondering if the only way to get a 6 iv ditto is through luck?
>>23455066 thx for r8 plz like & SUBSCRIBE 2
>>23455072 fuck off m8 i made the thread
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>23455033 You're guaranteed 2 perfect 31s (31/31/x/x/x/x) and you have a 1/32 chance of getting 31 for each other four stats (the stat can be 0, that's where 32 comes from). So, you're looking at a 1/1,048,576 chance of getting a hex-flawless Ditto from a Friend Safari.
At least it's not a nitrox thread
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>>23455020 Still waiting on it
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>>23455111 Can argue with those digits
Justin 5215-1710-5371 free pokemon
looking for EM cherubi in apricorn ball or something.
>>23455230 Can I get the prankster male Riolu and the unaware wooper both 5 iv
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
The orchid mantis got away.
Waffle !!yUGq9rJNnmZ
>>23455019 You want to go mild, the ubers tier isn't as fast as OU and the extra power is helpful.
Where da multis at?
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>23455230 Could I get wooper, cursed body Shuppet and a Timid Nidoran please?
>>23455337 I'm always down for Multis
>>23455332 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" ; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
>>23455342 >>23455332 well embedding apparently doesn't work, but that's a video on how to easily catch them. Anonymous
>>23455347 you just managed to be more annoying than Honnky could ever be with his farmville shit.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
>>23455230 Do u have an extra.timid yveltal
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23455325 Sure. Upload something that isn't a starter/eevee/luvdisc for Riolu.
>>23455341 Sure. Put something up for Shuppet.
>>23455372 oh, you.
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>>23455385 Rhyhorn up for riolu
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>>23455418 You u have a timid yveltal
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>23455385 put up a honedge
Justin 5215-1710-5371
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>>23455452 Can u still inject or have power saves
Justin 5215-1710-5371
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
>>23455471 wait, uhh.. this Shuppet has insomnia, do you not have any cursed body ones left?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23455541 oh my bad. grabbing the right one.
Oisin 1993-8613-4665
Ethan 4656-6143-2893
Want to trade 4IV Litleo(s) for HA Weedle and HA Weedle
Ethan 4656-6143-2893
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>>23455615 HA Weedle and HA Gligar*
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>23455100 Checked Shiny in a Loveball too, thanks~
Glosette 1177-9999-7638
Anyone still alive wanna help evolve my Haunter?
>>23456180 U n your fake fc fuck off
>>23456180 That Talonflame's a fucking whore
You still need a trade?
Glosette 1177-9999-7638
looking for an eastern shellos or gastrodon I dont have much to offer cus i gave away all my mons and shinies in wonder trade but i'd really appreciate it
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>23456277 Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The leather club is two blocks down.
>>23456323 i want an eastern shellos or gastrodon
Last 3 digits of the post decide what Pokemon a mm next. It's been months since I have turned on my DS. What if my bank expired?
>>23456356 I-i already bred for Dusklops. Re-roll.
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>>23456356 Bank expiring doesn't matter, your account is still saved and then you just resubscribe.
Honky !!YAQvsuVZ7gV
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>>23457286 Unfortunately I figured as much
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
Need one more for multibattles with Lima and Timmy.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
>>23457322 My fc is 3969-6216-1477
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>23457338 >>23457322 looks like you don't need me now 8)
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>23457347 Seconded, holy shit you're a memester xd
>>23457322 How the fuck did you even gather three people without posting?
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>>23457355 Cuz the thread is where multis go to get "Never."'d
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
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>>23457355 Got Timmy through steam and Lima from skype.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>23457355 We coordinate shitposting on other boards.
>>23457347 So i'm still out?
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>>23457369 Ethan won't let me leave, yell at him for me.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>23457369 I have no idea. I'm guessing Timmy was fucking around, but Ben isn't online.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
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>>23457369 Oh shit I'm sorry.
Ethan !EdnaJooO.6
>>23457369 Alright, seems that Ben is dead. I'll add you.
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
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>>23457374 I only checked the post, a :) shows interest. Other than that I'd prefer not to deal with nerds that ignore me~
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23457392 Do i need to add you amigo?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
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>lima disconnects rip
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Necesitamos una mas
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Well, Lima is drunk and MIA and Timmy is killing himself. It was fun while it lasted, though.
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Anyone around to have a battle or two?
>>23454971 >this pasta I remember Ravi raging about this shit lmao
Dumb autist
>>23457781 I'm glad he's dead.
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>>23457831 He's not, he's just drunk and MIA
First person to respond with a legit request will have a whole box of it injected and available to anyone who uploads a luvdisc to GTS. Second person gets one of dawny's famous 6iv dittos. Third person gets a shiny specs weedle
>>23458277 May I request you kill yourself?
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>>23458282 seconding this request
>>23458282 I cant trade that on GTS. Request invalid
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>>23458291 ur mum's invalid
>>23458277 I want Reddit to leave.
>>23458350 fuck off, some of our best regulars are from reddit
>>23458277 >dawny's famous 6iv dittos will it be in a cherish ball?
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>>23458670 no, it's in a premier. Level 36. She caught it in a Mirage cave...looks like today! Wow, this ditto is fresh. Such luck.
I have snow warning amora with discharge and mirror coat, iron fist chimchar with 4em, contrary snivy with 4em, totodile with 4em and swarm larvesta with morning sun. Can somebody give me a moody remoraid, friend guard clefairy or storm drain lileep?
I put a hasty hustle zweilous on the gts asking for a thundurus, would really appreciate if someone could help me out with that
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23458705 If you're still around, I can catch you a HAF Octillery, and might be able to catch a HAF Clefairy.
>>23458760 I'm guessing you're being facetious, but you can easily get one from uploading a "5IV HA 4EM", etc leftover on the GTS.
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Hey guys i put a Luvdisc on the GTS asking for a shiny 7iv HA Arceus. Thanks in advance :-)
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>>23458902 Im really not, I just want a thundurus
King/Caleb - 3239 3553 1096
Looking to swap Eevees for masuda method. Mine are: - 5IV -Atk - modest - male - with and without HA I want: - 5IV -Atk - male - not from Sweden - everything else irrelevant
dawny 4828 6812 8056
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459038 I might be able to hook you up let me just check
>>23459044 One day soon I'll have a finished NU team
King/Caleb - 3239 3553 1096
>>23459047 Sweet, I'll be around for a bit.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459044 One day I'll have six 'mons bred for singles.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459051 Yeah I have one that you can have, UK counts as a separate region right?
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459047 What about RU!
>>23459054 Knowing your speed it is not going to be soon
>>23459064 > Masuda method is ONLY based off of languages. Actual area does not matter. Not my words, the OP's
>>23459038 >Thinks Sweden has its own region Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459064 MM is breeding different language 'mons together. Geographic locations don't matter at all.
>>23459066 It'll be never, or when a singles tier stops being shit.
RIP gen 5 NU/pre torn-t ban OU.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459066 I can do a mix of UU, RU and NU?
And yeah that's why I wasn't sure if it would work, are swedish games in Swedish or English?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
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>>23459076 Unless they patched in Swedish as a language, English, or whatever language you selected at the start of the file.
>>23459074 > when a singles tier stops being shit. Because doubles is so much better?
Rotation or bust! Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
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>>23459080 >Because doubles is so much better? It isn't, that's why I currently play neither.
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459076 Yes great, let's do some mix tier thing like that!
Swedes didn't get their own language games, because the pokémon names localisations would have been awful
King/Caleb - 3239 3553 1096
>>23459066 >>23459074 >>23459072 What the hell, I've heard the opposite. That it's the country you live in that matters. Am I basically fucked for playing the game in English then? Or do I need to trade with someone from outside Europe? I am so confused.
>>23459064 Thanks for the offer mate, but it seems I've run into the above trouble.
>>23459092 You just need a mon from someone whose language is French or German or Japanese or Korean or Spanish.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459088 Sounds good, I'll just put something together and get online
>>23459092 I guess you'll have to find someone with a French or Spanish game or something
Glosette 1177-9999-7638
Can someone help me evolve a Haunter quick, pretty please?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459092 It was language in gen 5, and I have absolutely no reason to think otherwise. I've MM'd multiple things from breeding both parents in different languaged games that I own with decent success, and I'm guessing it's the same for a lot of people here.
Ironically my nightmare MM that's 4600 and ongoing is from a Parisian father.
>>23459102 Everyone is always forgetting about Italian.
>>23459108 Yeah, add me.
Glosette 1177-9999-7638
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>>23459109 Adding, thank you.
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>>23459092 >Am i fucked for playing the game in english? No, there are players on different languages on here.
You seem new to breeding so lurk a bit and try to get someone to breed you the Hexa seven.
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>>23459109 Everyone knows that Frenchies are cucks, that's your problem
You're right though I forgot Italian and nearly Spanish too
King/Caleb - 3239 3553 1096
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>>23459102 >>23459103 >>23459109 Okay, thanks guys. Sorry for my mess-up. I assumed the language wouldn't count over the location set according to the 3DS settings when starting a new game. Since any game can now be played in any language, and Vivillon is determined by location settings already.
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459088 Well I'm ready whenever, I picked two from each of the tiers
>>23459109 Can u help me evolve my rhydon please
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459177 Sure. Do you have the protector?
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>>23459184 Yeap Fc 5129-1464-0199
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459141 Man I gave up wallbreaking on turn 4
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459230 I'm sorry, I tried to make this team not too stally too
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459236 It's on me of course, I just got frustrated predicting everything and know every move would fuck me up
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gliggar with immunity¿
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459250 Well GG I guess, I really love the tangrowth alomomola defensive core with zoroark and mienshao. There's so much swapping that it's easy to lose track of zoroark, especially with his physical set.
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459260 Yeah, Zoroark along side 3 Regenerators was absolutely evil
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459263 I was a bit disappointed with my xatu though, he blocked a few toxics but took much more damage from gastrodon than I would have liked, I might need to make a more specially defensive one
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459280 I don't know, from team preview my only thought was get rid of it then Close Combat sweep, I realized later Fat Man would be a faster scarf because I've seen it in multis but generally speaking Xatu hindered me more than you'd think; it was always on my mind making me second guess every move
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So would it be evil to have 6 stalls sets
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459295 That's good I guess, heracross was definitely my biggest worry because I wasn't sure of it's set, early on when I switched in alomomola and you missed megahorn I stopped looking for a second and when I saw I'd taken no damage I assumed it was an SD set lol. Good battle either way
Can someone help me test out my first UU team and then proceed to tell me how shit it is?
dawny 4828 6812 8056
Quoted By:
>>23459308 Yeah it was good, I felt hopeless but I'm sure it was more balanced it seems, if I'd taken more risks early on something might have happened!
>>23458902 Im fishy and my fc is 0061 2405 2722
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459321 I'm unlikely to prove how shit you're are but I'll give you a battle!
Give me 10 minutes to put up a team
>>23459340 Alright. Just let me know when you're going online
if anyone could dump a 1-10 seel gollett or snubbull on the gts for a zigzagoon that'd be mighty appreciated
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
>>23459354 I have a bunch of snubbulls left over from breeding, I'll throw one up in a sec
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459339 Alright, catching Octillery now. May or may not also have the Clefairy safari.
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459361 thank you very much!
Anyone got.a timid yveltal I need it for ubers
>>23459400 yeah put something on the gts
>>23459403 Really or your just trolling
>>23459411 If not meditite up
Chris: 0301 9796 4544
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>>23459391 No problem, if you're still around later and no one's given you the other two then I'll breed them for you.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459339 >>23459375 Got it, and I don't have a Clefairy safari. Upload something for a level thirty female Octillery.
>>23459419 okay, sent ~
enjoy bird
need timid yveltal for ubers, shiny pls
Quoted By:
>>23459446 Holy shit thanks n shiny
>>23459471 Sending mys
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
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>>23459471 Have you considered asking in a place that would be likely to help you?
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>>23459471 Need timid Xerneas for Ubers please
>>23458645 If that might be the case lets not mention it again, thanks
Quoted By:
>>23459491 I'll mention it all i want, thanks
>>23459376 GG. I didn't expect my team to have this many vulnerabilities. Plus the fact that you outplayed me by a mile
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459510 Hah, last battle me being in the ass whooping seat made that one feel good!
Anyone in for a multi battle?
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459514 I'm up for multis.
Waffle !!yUGq9rJNnmZ
>>23459514 Thats all 4. Let me put together a team
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459520 >>23459582 Online and waiting for you two!
Riley 3050-7578-5885
Free leftovers: Also, still looking for HA female Sableye in Luxury or Dream Ball.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459665 I'm fairly sure that I can get you a HAF Sableye in luxury, but it'll need to wait until after these multibattles.
Riley 3050-7578-5885
>>23459671 Yeah, that's fine with me!
Is there anything you want off of my free leftovers list? I'm also breeding Dream Ball Feebas atm if you're interested in that.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Aw. I hoped that dawny would predict the protect.
>>23459682 A HAF Gulpin in luxury would be neat, but nothing is necessary.
Riley 3050-7578-5885
>>23459694 Okay! I'll set aside the Gulpin for you now. Thanks a ton.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>two hitpoints above sitrus activation
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459744 Hail yeah, no flinch no rock slide miss!
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>23459763 I made that way closer than it needed to be. I was excited to get to use power swap.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>draco meteor and rock slide miss >thunder lands On another note I figured Reuniclus would cheese it.
dawny 4828 6812 8056
>>23459779 If you guys don't
dawny 4828 6812 8056
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>>23459826 I mean, good games!
Waffle !!yUGq9rJNnmZ
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Gay as fuck. Although, that flinch was probably about as likely as me winning off the flamethrower burn.
Very nice games, although I'm disappointed at how many sucker punches exist to ruin Exeggutor's day.
>>23459711 Sorry, it seems that I was mistaken about having a HAF penta lying around my boxes. I can extract one from dexnaving if you don't mind waiting.
Riley 3050-7578-5885
>>23459841 Sure, I can wait. I'll be lurking for a while anyway, just give me a head's up when you're done.
Waffle !!yUGq9rJNnmZ
>>23459841 it was lum berry, but the KO with flamethrower is more or less a coin flip
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459859 Welp.
252+ SpA Hydreigon Flamethrower vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Bisharp: 146-174 (103.5 - 123.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Waffle !!yUGq9rJNnmZ
>>23459868 Oh you're running modest.
Good thing i para'd you first turn then.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Quoted By:
>>23459877 Alright, got it. Going to breed it up a bit, so it's not just a wild derp.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
>>23459856 Alright, I have something for you that's still disappointingly shit, but I lack the time and effort to improve it on this cart.
Riley 3050-7578-5885
>>23460138 Alright, I'll be online in a second.
Ethan 0275-7479-9528 !EdnaJooO.6
Riley 3050-7578-5885
Quoted By:
>>23460195 Thank you, too!
>>23459441 uploading a hidden tepig with the message 'ethan'
Quoted By:
>>23460540 i put it on gts. is that what i was supposed to do
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>tfw all people had to do was respond to my post for their request to be granted and instead they just begged to the aether and were mocked by wfg
>>23461053 I requested you kill yourself and you mocked me. Guess it works both ways.
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>>23461053 >tfw no one cares Anonymous
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>>23461065 I can't put that on GTS wtf guyssss!!!!!
how do I breed a chansey with heal bell?
>>23461420 First you consult Google.
>>23461543 Then u fuck off
>>23461543 I did, and the answer varies between yes and no
>>23461559 >go to chansey's page on serebii >scroll down to where it says egg moves >click on details next to heal bell Anonymous
Can someone please give me a phione egg/phione I will repay you in the future when my 6 manaphy team is set
>>23461682 Phione doesn't evolve into manaphy.
>>23461632 this would work in 4th gen too right? I only have heart gold
>>23461682 I give u my for a timid yveltal yeah this again DEAL WITH IT!
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>>23461759 i bought x because i have good taste in legendaries
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>>23461759 fuck off i gave you a timid yveltal earlier
Quoted By:
>>23461741 yes it does you blasphemous heretic
>>23461741 oh shit youre right, wtf
>>23461808 how do i get a manaphy then
>>23461770 thank you for your help
I was seeing all the moves in the current gen, I didn't realize there was a link that can change to an earlier gen
this is perfect then, thanks!
>>23461818 get manaphy egg from ranger
transfer to 4th gen
transfer to 6th gen
repeat 5 times for full team.
Quoted By:
>>23461911 sounds like a plan
Can anybody help me to evolve my rhydon and clamperl?
>>23462072 OK I need a timid yveltal and a good n a good dick suckin
>>23462086 i have a shiny modest 6ivs totally injected but you can´t trade that
>>23462094 Dude he's trolling you
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>>23462072 you got the items?
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>>23462114 im not going to give him anything i know that its only a trade evolution
>>23462133 yeah i have them also i want to evolve a boldore
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>>23462146 sure man, add me up
>>23462151 thank you i can help you evolve your pokemon too
Anyone have a moon ball female houndour don't care for IVs need for breeding
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>>23462158 best i can do is a 3iv male
Lunar 4468-2110-7646
>>23462155 nah man, im good
sorry bout the wait had to download the new update
I'm new to this board, so apologies in advance if I'm an asshole for requesting this. I was hoping someone might have a Suicune they'd be willing to part with? Shitty nature is fine, I just like to use my favorites and have never had the chance to raise a Suicune before. No nickname is also fine but if it's not too much trouble, Lapis would be great. I'm only at 5 badges in X right now but if there's anything I can do in return within that restriction, let me know.
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>>23462294 Can u still inject or powersave
Liam [2922-0453-5803]
I'm looking for a Female HA Eevee in a Dream Ball, can someone help? ;_;
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>>23462388 Need a timid yveltal for it
>>23462388 I'd help if breeding HAF Eevee wasn't a pain.
Liam [2922-0453-5803]
Quoted By:
>>23462433 Yeah, I understand
>>23462388 I have one, Mild with 4 egg moves, but she's in a regular pokeball?
FC: 2852-8946-7426
I'm looking for an adamant or jolly chimchar with blaze kick! I've been trying to get one myself but I'm having the hardest time trying to get a female chimchar. I don't actually have anything of value to trade, so I understand if people turn this away. If you just have a spare female chimchar, though, I can work with that.
>>23462449 I dunno, is she?
Liam [2922-0453-5803]
>>23462449 Well, I have balltism so I'll keep searching for a dream ball one, but thanks for the offer!
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>>23462510 I have one but sense they're hard to breed give me a shiny
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Kia 4725 9287 0534 !30EspurRbI
Survey for my fellow autists: If I were to obtain one of the "not for resale" event carts for, say, Keldeo or another event Pokemon, and distribute them, would you consider them legal? Why or why not? The only thing I could see you saying about it was that it wasn't put out within the original distribution period. Would /wfg/ like this? I found some that are relatively inexpensive.
>>23462475 Let me see what I can do for this. I
>>23462574 >Fellow autists. >Not fellow jews. You'll never fit in with the autists.
Liam [2922-0453-5803]
>>23462574 Well, imo they are legal, but how would you obtain the cart?
>>23462475 >>23462575 Yeah, give me about an hour and I can do this.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !30EspurRbI
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>>23462595 >spending IRL money to do something nice for /wfg/ >a jew >not autistic lol k
>>23462605 They sometimes pop up for sale. I found one for about $20 total on a certain site, but I used to see them for sale on eBay in the hundreds.
>>23462574 It's about as legal as you can get without a time machine at this point. Would the 5th gen ones even work?
FC: 2852-8946-7426
>>23462615 Thanks! I can try to get you a version exclusive if you like. I have Pokemon X.
>>23462510 I have one, do you have balltism sudowoodo?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !30EspurRbI
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>>23462623 From what I've heard, they do.
>>23462574 I would, but the date needs to be set for the same date they were distributed (If I remember correctly, they stop working if the DS clock goes past that date anyway)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 !30EspurRbI
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>>23462642 Interesting. I'll keep that in mind if I decide to purchase the cart. Thanks for the tip, anon.
>>23462625 Haha, I'm on X too. No worries - I'm happy to help. Got a nickname preference?
Liam [2922-0453-5803]
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>>23462627 I don't ;_; I have balltism eevee (Nest ball), Audino (Heal Ball), Onix (Heavy Ball), Makuhita, Weedle and Cubone (Level Ball)
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Anyone have a moon ball female hound our need for breeding
FC: 2852-8946-7426
>>23462663 Wukong, please. Or Sun Wukong, either or. I'm very creative, you see. Thanks so much! I'm going to try EV training for the first time. Not too seriously, since I'll just be battling with friends, but I've always wanted to give it a try to see just how much difference it really makes.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23455230 bumping free shit. still lf cherubi.
Someone please spare a shiny timid charizard I really want one its my favorite shiny
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>>23462689 MM it yourself and stop being lazy.
Xyvre !!PJy+tUKKmlv
>>23462681 Browser won't load balls for some reason. Is that koffing or cubone in a dream ball by any chance?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23462758 Nah, Cubone is level and Koffing is safari/heavy.
>>23462672 Oh, we're in the same boat then! I only just got into EV training myself, also on a mostly just-for-friends basis. I've been surprised by what a fuckhuge difference EV training actually does make.
Still working on your Chimchar, I'll let you know when she's ready. It's cool if you need to go in the meantime - I should be around tomorrow night too.
>>23462778 Damn. My mono poison team is dream balls is looking farther away every day.
FC: 2852-8946-7426
>>23462787 No problem! I'll be up for a while.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23462794 If you'll be around a bit I'll get you a female after I finish what I'm currently breeding.
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My kingdom for a weedle in a dream ball.
>>23462852 Cool that would be nice. I've been looking for a koffin in a dream ball. Do you need anything, I could see what I have.
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>>23462888 Hey, heard you were a pretty big guy
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>>23462888 Holy shit how long has it been
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23462866 I'm looking for Cherubi with egg move/johto ball but otherwise don't worry about it.
Ethan 4656-6143-2893
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Does anyone have an extra Razor Fang?
>>23462919 Well if I had pokebank I would be on that, but sadly I don't. Anyway. Really only need a female koffin and weedle in a dream ball
and a skorpi would be amazing too, but Id hate to ask too much of you egg moves and I've don't really matter since I'm just going to rebreed and probably MM it. !GTSHonch.6
>>23462919 I can get you one after my DSlite charger arrives in the mail sometime this week. What ball you want?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23462963 OK I have your koffing. Upload something to the GTS for her.
>>23462982 I'm looking for friend or love. There were a few love ball breedjects on here a while ago. I could probably get one of those if it's too much trouble for you to catch one.
>>23455230 > can I have your jolly and timid riolu?
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23463109 Yup. GTS something not a starter/eevee and I'll send a TR for the other one.
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>>23463124 slowpoke up, thanks man
>>23462831 Your flameass monkey is ready! Oddly I was very unlucky with gender the first round of breeding, but very lucky the second round - a female hatched only a few steps after the first male with Blaze Kick. You can have whichever you like.
I'll be adding your FC shortly.
>>23463073 Houndour going up. Message is /wfg/
>>23463124 may I get a bold feebas to?
>>23463143 Oh, duh. FC: 0276-0523-7839
Justin 5215-1710-5371
>>23463166 It's in bank actually. I'll grab it.
>>23463145 Sent.
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>>23463185 ok thanks bro, the 5 iv one if possible
i want free shit now..... NOW
>>23463185 Sorry I couldn't give you more, this game is basically full of living dex and leftover shones. I didn't want a shone getting sniped.
Justin 5215-1710-5371
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>>23463215 No problem. I don't need a shone for it anyway.
FC: 2852-8946-7426
>>23463183 Thank you so much! I'll add you shortly! (my name in game is Lupin)
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>>23463286 Very welcome bro, enjoy.