>>23480269>that is definately a trend.Not really.
For one Gen 1 doesn't get any praise beyond it started the franchise anything else really is just shitposting because it's obvious that it hasn't aged well at all. Even looking back on it it wasn't a very good game.
Gen 2 does get a significant amount of praise however but that being said most people tend to dislike it for the flaws it had that were also take over to HG/SS.
Gen 3 now, that was the "it's just there" generation up until "hoenn confirmed" happened with it rarely being brought up in conversations outside of the obligatiory "May may" threads and rare Emerald ones.
Gen 4 followed the same way as gen 3 but to a worse degree as there were a lot of complaints about the new BF and Contests being worse than the previous iterations and the abundance of legendaries polluting the region.
Gen 5, pretty much the beginning of /vp/, was rocky at first with many people being turned away by the designs and look of the region now but after playing many took a liking to the story. The love for it was reinforced by the content within Black and White 2 however the multiplayer features like join avenue attracted the wrong type of people to /vp/ in the form of shitposters which is why /vp/ is faster than it was before.
Now we're on generation 6 where we're still suffering from the backlash and everything is for the sake of shitposting.