>>23484989Fine, I'll bite
>Battle FrontierValid point
>CustomizationEach region has its own thing, and Kalos' is customization. This is not an ORAS flaw, but a Gamefreak has no fucking idea what the fuck they are doing flaw
>FramerateCould just be an issue with the engine itself. I'll only count this as an ORAS flaw if the next game this gen fixes it
>No GB soundsNitpicky, but valid
>3D effect outside of battle...So? Really nitpicky there
>Contests are casualizedI have an Ampharos with a neutral nature and all 20 ribbons from RSE. 12 of them gotten by spamming elemental punches over and over again. They were ALWAYS casualized
>Base teamsAgain, so? Seems very nitpicky
>CasualizationThat's more because they balanced it without taking into account the EXP share and megas. Fair point, but it's a Franchise problem
>Gym Leader RematchesValid point
>Sky PillarMatter of taste. I quite liked the new sky pillar. Although Zinnia can shut the hell up
>Granite CaveThis should be under casualization
>Safari ZoneValid point. As much as I HATE the Safari Zone of past games... It's a valid point
>Mirage TowerSmall but valid point
>Berry BlendingEh, I'll sort of agree here? All it really did was streamline blocks, but they could have easily had the casino be an arcade with classic pokeblock making being a game there
>HMsIt's a remake of course this would happen what the fuck did you expect?
>Trick HouseValid
>Delta SpoilersThat's not the game's fault. That's advertising's fault. Or would you call the other games crap if stuff was spoiled?