>>23528052different anon, but transethnicity is - as far as I'm aware - just a thing white kids on tumblr that don't understand actual trans-ness subscribe to.
As to your question here (
>>23527959), as far as I understand (being cis myself) gender is a social construct; penises and vaginas exist, but "man" and "woman" are concepts created by people. People who are trans simply don't identify with the gender that would be typically assigned to them based on their bodies. I don't think there's a real "reason" why they feel this way - like how there's no reason for people to not be hetero - but a lot of people just feel more comfortable identifying as they do.
Nobody reasonable would react to initial misgendering with flat outrage - usually just a simple correction. It's when people throw shitfits about it and continuously and deliberately misgender them that an issue arises.
I would say to take everything I've just said with a grain of salt as, like I said, I'm cis and might not have an absolutely perfect understanding of everything, but I /think/ I've pretty much covered the gist of it, and I'd be happy to try and answer further questions