>>23578334Rank system of Team Rocket, according to anime guide
C - Grunts/Minions
B (Agents) - White uniform - Jessie, James, Mondo, G/S/C Fem Rockets
A (Officers) - Black uniform - Butch, Cassidy, Wendy, Domino, J&J in BW
A+ (Elite) - Silver uniform - Hun, Attila, Tyson
Then there are Executives/Admins and Boss (Executives not appearing in anime), Madame Boss and Giovanni.
It can easily apply to games and anime too. See, in games we had C (Minions/Grunts), B (Jessie, James, G/S/C Fem Rockets) and Execs/Boss (G/S/C Execs, those 4 from HG/SS, Admins from FR/LG - One looking like Sird in TCG - "Rocket's Admin" and Giovanni).