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Wot I want; Sinnoh remakes edition

No.23578717 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT: What we want to see make its debut or return for the inevitable remakes of DPP.

Megas: starters, Staraptor Roserade Drapion Mismagius Honchkrow Lickilicky Tangrowth Drifblim Weavile Porygon-Z Mamoswine Cofagrigus Galvantula Darmanitan Hydreigon Seismitoad Gothitelle Reuniclus Gogoat Goodra Malamar Noivern Dunsparce Blissey Politoed Quagsire Donphan, to name a few dozen.

Obviously the Pokètch has to return with upgrades.

True Primal Dialga and Primal Palkia, along with mega/primal giratina.

Chapter Theta: an episode that remasters the postgame mission with you and looker aiming to stop charon from reawakening Heatran. PRIMAL Heatran.

That's all I got, but let's see what my fellow sinnohfags can suggest.