I absolutely adore this map. It's the addition of all the tree varieties that's doing it for me, think; it makes the world seem so much more wild than just the single tree sprite repeated over and over like in the regular games. This is a place I'd expect to find monsters roaming through. Everything looks more organic.
If you really wanted to make it nice, find or make a slightly smaller grass sprite and put it on some of the edges of the wild grass areas. It'd make it look less boxy and more like natural patches of overgrowth. Not a big deal, but I figured I'd throw it out there since you seem to be going for nice visuals.
My only complaint is a slight overuse of those little rocks. Every now and then is fine, but they feel too crowded right now for a jungle area.
Another idea for the future- if you're going to do different climates, even just subtle ones like the difference between this jungle and a more standard foresty place, try changing the grass tone a bit. Like, this one seems a bit yellow-green, and I think it works, but for a more deciduous area a darker green might work better. Just a subtle affect that would help separate the routes better, and you could do a gradient when you switch areas.
Hopefully this doesn't seem too nitpicky, but I'm only saying all this because you grabbed my interest. Keep up the good work, I'm curious to see what this ends up looking like.