I like both but Stunfisk more, used Dunsparce in HGSS since the early routes. Used Stunfisk in VGC 2011 having a very good result and lot of victories thanks to Scald/Yawn/Protect/(Toxic / Muddy Water) paired with Discharge Thundurus and other synergic members, not even joking. Used it on the simulators in RU/LU and NU in BW and BW2 with discrete results topping at least LU/RU with the same set with a Singles spread, was known as "Lord Maggyo" for a while. It is kinda shit in XY and ORAS now, such power creep and so many walls and Grass tyoes eerywhere now, also Limber not becoming Dry Skin instead. I hope its bulky mega will have Dry Skin.