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No.23590449 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So uh, i just realized that i've been pokeradar chaining incorrectly all this time.

Just looked up a guide for the first time in 8 years and the biggest thing i noticed was that i usually look for patches exactly 4 steps away from my starting position.
What i'm SUPPOSED to do apparently is land on patches on the 4-patch square radius from my starting position.
Not only that, rules such as "don't step on corners or edges" or "don't step on patches that are adjacent to others" don't even matter as long as you're in the 4-away zone.
After struggling the past few weeks trying to chain for a shiny larvitar on diamond and not getting a chain higher than 10, my first attempt with this new method landed me on 35 until it broke.
The whole time it was nerve racking as i was just testing to see if the rules were legit or not. And the 36th pokemon (zubat) was in the 4-away zone too and i still feel salty.

But i feel glad that i made some progress. However it seems that if i want a shiny trapinch/vibrava than my odds of chaining in the sandstorm are about as close as they are in oras.
Which is fucking insane. Because fuck non-grass dexnav chaining.

Anyone have any chaining tips that i might have missed?