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Pokemon is DEAD

No.23594931 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw Pokemon games are getting progressively easier
>tfw Pokemon games are getting progressively linear
>tfw Mega Pokemon are still in the game and not the Generation gimmick, meanwhile character customization is already out
>tfw Serebii used to be a hotspot for Pokemon news and is now just a page for Pokemon Shuffle updates
>tfw Pokemon is dead

I tried staying with HGSS/Pt/B2W2 and romhacks but it gets old after a while. Will they finally make a region thats not a straight line circling a donut? Will they finally go back to that fresh feeling of adventure instead of hamfisted dialogue and exposition? I feel like Im stuck in a bad nightmare and cant get out.

I hope E3 has something about X2/Y2 or Delta Z