>Battling isn't for me, Thinking of commands in the heat of battle is far too strenuous
> I only ever battled when challenged or attacked
>Contests are even worse, too glamorous, and everybody is always watching and quite literally judging you.
>Breeding, well, I have no problems with that
>All I ever asked for was to keep my friends by my side.
>Trainers everywhere take Pokemon for granted. A means to get to the top of their selected profession.
>I am glad for every day I spend with my Pokemon.
>My Luxio, always curled on my lap, with his strange mixture of purring and snoring.
>Aron, always there to lend a hand (or... toe?) to anybody who needs it.
>Leavanny, weaving her art in the rocking chair by the fire, mirroring the portrait of her mother on the mantelpiece.
>And Salemence, obviously too large to fit in an ordinary home, spends her time lounging outside in the sun, or on the roof.
>She only fell through once.
>Every evening, we travel the short distance from our house to the sandwich shop.
>I usually get the Chesto and Turkey, with a Decaf.
>(With whiskey, of course)
>And we sit there
>Just enjoying our company
>Reminiscing about our old adventures across Unova and Kalos
>That was 40 years ago now
>I'd say my life has been well spent so far
>My nephew is on his own journey now
>reading his postcards is the highlight of my weekends
>I may head out on another adventure myself, in fact
>Hoenn seems a fine place to relax...