>>24586822>There were also a ton of little things added to Emerald that are technically in the remake just because they've been in every game since Emeraldsame can be said about the image
>pokemon all given animationscarried over emerald/platinum
>sneasel and unown w carried over platinum
>trainers battled over nightcarried from dppt
>battle frontiercarried over from platinum
>poke seeruseless since you can now watch where you caught your pokemon and at which level
>move tutorscarried from emerald/platinum
>female playerhas been a thing since crystal, not an unique feature, besides they put Lyra, not Kris
which only leaves us with crystal features such as:
the aesthetic changes
the beasts themes
>buena's passwordkurt making multiple balls
suicune and eusine
and the espeed dratini