>>24637889>Yeah, but there was a REASON it was taken out.Casualization?
>ORAS took it out just to have a shitty cutscene and to casualize the game more.At least you have to face higher leveled Pokemon than Emerald and fight 3 battles, unlike "go there and press A".
>Because it's mandatory. None of the games make it hard to reach a legendary if you're forced to because of the story.You at least have to fight gauntlets of trainers or whatever before reaching them, outside the first two gens.
>Not any more wasted than the cave of origin in ORASYou mean Cave of Origin in Emerald, right? It's useless in that game. In ORAS you use it to catch Groudon/Kyogre or, if you kill them, to try again in the postgame.
>What? I did use it for 4 gens though.You had 5 Exp.Share active at the same time the whole game for 4 gens? How?