>>24651184>sacking a managerI don't understand the obsession people seem to have with this.
The fact of the matter is that PES is really just a broken, weighted diceroll. It's an awful thing and sometimes no matter the strength of your tactic it can choose to make you lose. One or two bad games can happen, but at the end of the day PES is PES.
The only time you should sack a manager is if:
a.) you can be sure that someone better will show up immediately to take their place
b.) the managers have made the same mistake in several cups, demonstrating they haven't learned a thing from experience
This is exactly the case with /sp/: it's been two cups and Bochumbru hasn't exactly given /sp/ confidence. However, the problem is that they seem to think everything will work out just fine if they sack him first and look for a manager later. This never works. For that matter, they haven't sacked him yet and that is probably a good thing since they're in Winter.
Who do you think would replace the /vp/ managers? This is the management's first cup on their own, and having qualified for a major cup is not pretty bad for a first try. Don't kid yourself: McBob fluked through much of his Autumn and Spring runs and is awful at mindgames/tactics -- after what happened in Summer, he should probably sit back on anything tactical if he doesn't want /vp/ to bounce right back into Spring.
The two managers aren't all that good either but at least they're trying things
I hope they don't use fluid formation for Winter at all and what any good manager needs is a bit of experience with PES's quirks. Sacking them immediately is likely to be a bad idea.
To be perfectly honest, is anyone confident they can replace them and win with ease?
Arguably, all that entails is using fluid, but you never know.