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No.24652023 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why does freeze even exist? In the short duration of a VGC battle (smogon is not competitive pokemon, it's a fan website, it is to VGC what fantasy football is to the NFL) it is essentially a kill, except even worse. Instead of getting a reset like you would with a KO, that slot on your field is just dead and you have the choice to either switch out and take a bunch of damage or leave it there until your opponent KOs it. So, like the battle I just had, on that 10 percent chance I can lose to a grossly inferior player and lose 30 points of rank, and it takes fucking forever to gain those points back because of how slow and shitty BS's matchmaking is. Why hasn't Gamefreak fixed this? It's one thing to argue about mega stones, but freeze chance is something any competitive player will tell you needs to go. This isn't even mentioning IRL tournaments, thankfully I've had pretty good luck at them, but imagine traveling hundreds of miles to a regional only to get blown up by a scrub due to hax/kangaskhan PuP'd instead of low kicked.