>>24652604I don't like Protect on Ferro. Make it T-Wave since it's your only Kyu-B switch-in. And throw in more SDef for the same reason. Or you can make it Spikes.
Mamo seems fine as is, but since it's your only method of Rocks and is a lead, consider changing its ability to Oblivious so it's not Taunt bait for lead Azelf. There's a RMT going around that's something like lead Azelf, Shuca Empoleon, Mega Pinsir, Dragonite, Manaphy, and something else where Mamo could put in work against the whole team.
Just make Latios LO. The Mega's damage output is restricted but LO can actually do stuff like pick up OHKOs on standard Rotom-W (mostly after Rocks).
Rotom-W is ok but the lack of recovery is unnerving for situations when it gets pressured a lot, like having to bear the brunt of Torn-T or Talonflame attacks.
You should make your Talonflame Jolly with just enough Speed (365) to pass Scarf Tyranitar, then put the residual Speed in HP. Roost is also valuable since Rocks damage is permanent. Your set looks nice as is, but I'd honestly only ever run something like that if I had a Mega Sableye. And even then it's iffy since Tank Chomp as a switch-in is so common. I would drop U-Turn for Roost otherwise.
Excadrill is fine and standard. You could probably make it Adamant with 271 Speed and the other ~16 EVs in SDef since Scarf Lando-T is usually Jolly with enough Speed to outspeed you anyway. 271 is enough to outspeed Mega Lopunny.
In general: You have nothing for Mega Medicham nor stall. Good diversity of mons, and I like the Rotom-W set since it addresses Torn-T which is a real concern, however, it lacks the recovery to really take advantage of that position. Your team gets pressured by Specs Keldeo since your switch-ins have no recovery. Having two hazard clearers is a bit unnecessary -- you could probably replace Latios with Gothitelle (stall) or Mega Slowbro (Mega Medicham, Keldeo, etc).