>>24654038Just so you know.. Sage is actually dead. The only ones who continue to make these threads are wishful faggots that don't want to help anyone create it or dumb faggots who don't have the ability to help continue the project that was dropped.
There's no demos following the previous that was released, everything is put on a permanent hiatus and no there are no plans to resurrect it.
Sage just like all other games on /vp/ are made up headcannon without the skills to create it so they just make the critters and sprites but have no clue how to animate or script.
Stop holding on to a delusional dream.
Sage and all others that /vp/ tried to make are DEAD. Officially dead.
No this isn't some stupid meme or ebin troll or fun/shit post. This is just the cold hard facts that you need to face.
Nothing will be released.
It's all dead,
Wait for the creators of others to come out with new shit.
Or learn to do it yourself.