I'm not hyped at all, and I got into pokemon before it was even released in the states as a wee child. I was the kid going around talking my friends into buying them when they came out so we could trade and battle and have all kinds of fun. I loved Gen 1, and Gen 2 was even better. I might enjoy playing through them again, but if I want to do that, I still have my gameboy color and cartridges, not to mention that your are literally three clicks away from an emulator and rom of them at any given second that will play them smoother and with better resolution. The wi-fi is a nice touch, but I don't know anyone else who will care enough to bother with it. Maybe if there was some kind of way to transfer mons forward from it with some kind of special perks (moves they couldn't learn otherwise or alternate stat spreads or some shit) then I'd be excited, otherwise it's kind of pointless.
I *am* however excited that they were announced, because shit like this being put out says to me that they're working on something interesting but needed to buy time so they threw the fans a bone to keep us quiet. I don't know if I'm correct, or what it would be but this smacks of hush money. Some fans are excited to play them, others are disappointed and think that's it for the pokemon games for a little bit, and then they'll slap us with some big exciting news soon after the distraction has worn off, which is exactly what they're hoping for.