>>24674992Has great pacing and Pokemon distribution, both in the wild and for trainers, so battles don't get boring (thank god, because it's the only thing that saves the experience from the god-awful lag).
The region is also fairly open, and exploring all the different sprawling paths is rewarding and doesn't feel like you're being shuttered into an arbitrary playing experience.
That being said, when you do encounter a roadblock, it's usually very contrived (Psyducks blocking an entire route because they have a headache, people having a conversation conveniently in front of a road gate, environmentalists blindly protecting a lake, etc).
I like how Team Galactic has Commanders there to fight you at the end of most missions, but most of what Galactic did was nonsensical (how did they steal energy from the Windworks? Why are they sending out multitudes of goons to collect honey? What purpose did their HQs serve, really?).
Music is amazing and the towns feel varied and atmospherically different.