Genesect's Drives (Burn Drive, Chill Drive, Shock Drive, Douse drive) are mostly horrible, since Techno Blast isn't all that good and Genesect has better coverage moves anyway.
Guard Spec. It keeps your stats fro mbeing lowered for 5 turns. Honestly, who uses this? I can understand the X-Attack style items, but Guard Spec? Seriously? What do you REALLY need to prevent that wild Zigzagoon from using Sand Attack and Tail Whip 5 times this battle? You can just switch ut if Sand Attack makes your accuracy too low. Maybe it's for solo runs? I don't know.
Ditto's Metal Powder and Quick Powder. They only work if Ditto hasn't Transformed yet. Just breed to get a Ditto with Imposter. Anyway, even if you don't have Imposter, like this is Gen-4 or something, Transforming is always the first thing you do with Ditto, so this item is useful for all of 1 turn.
TM 60 teaches Quash. I'm sure someone, somewhere made use of Quash in a double or triple battle, but as far as I'm concerned the move is garbage, which makes the TM garbage too.