>>24691660I liked a little bit of them all. I wasted so many hours with Monster Rancher 2 just seeing what monster all the various CDs around my house would barf out, which was the whole gimmick honestly, and it worked well for younger kids because it was one of the first steps towards integrating real life into the game. I used to crossbreed monsters until I found one that looked badass and then just train them and battle the way as far up the arena as I could before they died of old age. That's where it got old and caused me to put it down, because there was only so far you could progress.
I loved Digimon and the Digimon World game on PS1, even collected the cards even if I didn't have anyone to play the game with. They were still cool looking. I'm actually half tempted to check out Digimon Adventure Tri because it looks... interesting and it goes back to the first introduction I had to the series. I just enjoy so many Digimon designs because they're kind of charmingly offbeat and just weird, and I like that.
Jade Cocoon is fucking AMAZING. I played that through so many times it's not even funny. It's a shame that it didn't spawn a sequel, but at the same time I'm glad it didn't. It was an amazing experience because it was a one-off and didn't get milked. It's a literal playable Studio Ghibli film and it was gorgeous. It's still got tons of style even today, and a great story to follow. The music is still etched in my brain.
DQ Monsters was also ridiculously fun. I spent so much time on that game after I finished Pokemon Blue. I snapped it up and played it even longer than Pokemon because there was more content and more monsters. I never ended up playing any of the others, but I adored the first one, and I'm still pissed they haven't brought the 3DS remake to English speaking territories. I want to play the game again and having it look fantastic with improved content would be even better. I'd probably never be seen again.