DV smeargle is bullshit and TPCi should never have unbanned it. competitive players have been saying this ever since it was unbanned
>>24726268>magic bouncelol. the opportunity cost of fitting taunt onto your thundurus (one of the very few viable pokemon that can run taunt) is greater than its worth really. I put protect on mine and never looked back. fake out kangaskhan is so common you need protect as much as possible, if I had taunt instead of protect I could taunt smeargles but I would be getting blown up turn 1 a lot more, it's not worth it. it's why so many Japanese thundurus at worlds didn't run taunt, they opted for protect because its the best move. that's just addressing the issue of taunt, there are items like lum berry but its often hard to justify adjusting your team (worsening some matchups) just for smeargle however it might be wise especially at the regional level. and there's also the fact that smeargle is often carrying mental herb if its korean/japanese AND its often sitting next to quick guard talonflame