>>24727616...which meant that the posting base was always stunted and cut away the possibility of any sort of meaningful discussion outside the general, which as generals naturally do, become circlejerky and prone to shitposting. And then there was ORAS, oh was there ORAS, which was hyped to hell and back, and the under-performance of the game itself (if but only to the hype that preceded it), along with /v/ still being /v/, dealt another crushing blow to /vp/, as it wrought wave after wave of shitposting and made the posters grow more cynical and jaded. This in turn meant that when something that before would be considered fun, was now viewed as autistic or something that belonged in Reddit. In short /vp/, saw fun as autism, regardless of it was true or not. And this ironically led to truly autistic decisions of making generals of things that really didn't need to be generals or spamming of threads that had little to no substance. These issues meant that the normally slow periods of /vp/, which would in the past purge the board of the cancer, as it was dead during these times; was instead filled in shitposting that was self-sustaining and thus becoming the majority as there was little to actually talk about.
Now any of these alone would have been little issue, but all of it combined was the recipe for the perfect shitstorm.
Also if I missed anything please do call me out on it, as this is all just off the top of my head.