Since this is a PSMD thread, I'll ask my questions here.
When will I get a Girafarig, Tyrantrum, Nidoking, Lapras, and Zebstrika as playable characters? I'm just doing random missions right now hoping that they eventually show up, but since the grid is the same for everyone, there's got to be an easier way, right?
Are movesets the same in this game as they are in the main titles? Since this is sixth gen, I'm guessing it's going to go off X/Y and ORAS, but which one of those two since movesets are slightly different between those games (such as Girafarig learning psychic MUCH earlier in X/Y than in other games)?
I'm currently hoarding my gold bars. Is there a reliable source of them and what should I prioritize spending them on? TMs?
Speaking of TMs, I saw somewhere something about permanent TMs. Can any TM be permanent or are they HMs only or what?
Is there a limit on how many stat boosters you can use on a single pokemon?
Holy crap my parties seem weak if I don't take one of the level 40+ pokemon with me. I'm on the Krookodile on Revelation Mountain chapter and my starters are levels 23 and 24 (Turtwig and Totodile), some of the enemy pokemon are steamrolling my four person team. Is this just a case of get gud? Should I go to a random dungeon and run around fighting things?