>>24769648>She's got annoying autistic mannerisms.Isn't that incredibly subjective though? She is obviously not autistic, unless you mean memetistic. People can definitely hate her for her personality, but it's not exactly the great and undisputable reason people claim to have.
>Her plans are based on unfounded guessing.Aren't her plans based on a prophecy that has been proven to be true? The space institute's plan seems to be based on a lot of guesswork, while the prophecy has been correct so far.
>She destroys the only alternative plan.Boneheaded and close-minded, yes, but not without reason as far as I remember. She needed the parts, there seemed to be only time for either-or and she was obviously opposed to the idea of reusing that (supposedly abominable) ancient technology even more. Also, trying to fix the problem in-universe and accepting possible failure instead of trying to save yourself and defenitely killing another world if you succeed is a standpoint you don't have to agree with. It's, however, arguably moral.
>She then fails, so everyone would have died due to her if you and Mega Fug didn't step up.That's undeniable, but up to that point it seems like a better shot to me to trust in an (so far) true prophecy, instead of hoping that a new and untested technology might work out.
Then again, maybe Mega Fug only rejected her because it had the choice of picking you instead of the more impure and kinda dickish Zinnia. I kinda doubt that it would have preferred to die instead of just cooperating with her if you weren't there.
>She is presented as correct and just misguided in spite of all this and just gets to walk away with no introspection or punishment.Wasn't she, though? I mean, she was kinda right and her actions did save the world. Few Pokémon villains are actually punished, and didn't she have introspection in form of "Yup, I dun fucked up, I was clearly wrong about myself and the whole thing."?