[30 / 3 / ?]

528KiB, 1600x1586, Pokemon_blue_cover_art_by_comunello76-d4xvjro.jpg
Quoted By: >>24788041 >>24788058 >>24788086 >>24788113 >>24788379 >>24788427 >>24788598 >>24791810 >>24791872 >>24791965
Why Gen 1 is the best
>has the most badass box covers
>sold the most copies
>best Pokémon designs
>no shitty spin offs
>doesn't have a stupid story
>focuses on your adventure
>has an actual rival
>started the series
>has the most badass box covers
>sold the most copies
>best Pokémon designs
>no shitty spin offs
>doesn't have a stupid story
>focuses on your adventure
>has an actual rival
>started the series