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Some interesting ideas came out of a discussion on Victini earlier in the day.
Victini's name is a contraction of "Victory" and "Tiny".
Its species has been revealed as the "Victory Pokemon" by official sources.
It's indeed a tiny Pokemon, weighing in at 4kg, the same as Mew. That's about 9 pounds, about the same as the weight of an adolescent or very small adult cat.
Its type is Fire/Psychic.
Some more details came out of Corocoro scans in the past. You can find these over at serebii.net.
Its dex entry reads as: "It makes limitless energy inside its body. It releases this energy on any Pokemon who touches it."
Victini appears at the bottom of the Liberty Garden Tower, a lighthouse, and will reappear straight away if you knoknock it out.
(Incidentally, another famous lighthouse/statue combo resides in the real Liberty Island in New York Harbor. U mad, Shanghaifags?)
This leads to some interesting parallels.
During World War 2, scientists at the... *cough*... Manhattan Project... *cough* developed two nuclear weapons for use against Japan. The first of the weapons deployed was "Little Boy". (Little Boy was "tiny" only in comparison to "Fat Man", a weapon that used a different detonation method.)
One of the primary forces unleashed in a nuclear explosion, second only in intensity to the crushing overpressure of the blast but causing far more damage over a much larger radius, is fire.
Victini's "unlimited energy" is a pretty clear reference to nuclear power.
Knowing that, its Fire type is likely a reference to a nuclear fireball.
Victiny is a nuclear weapon Pokemon, returned to the United States in the cutest form possible.
Victini's name is a contraction of "Victory" and "Tiny".
Its species has been revealed as the "Victory Pokemon" by official sources.
It's indeed a tiny Pokemon, weighing in at 4kg, the same as Mew. That's about 9 pounds, about the same as the weight of an adolescent or very small adult cat.
Its type is Fire/Psychic.
Some more details came out of Corocoro scans in the past. You can find these over at serebii.net.
Its dex entry reads as: "It makes limitless energy inside its body. It releases this energy on any Pokemon who touches it."
Victini appears at the bottom of the Liberty Garden Tower, a lighthouse, and will reappear straight away if you knoknock it out.
(Incidentally, another famous lighthouse/statue combo resides in the real Liberty Island in New York Harbor. U mad, Shanghaifags?)
This leads to some interesting parallels.
During World War 2, scientists at the... *cough*... Manhattan Project... *cough* developed two nuclear weapons for use against Japan. The first of the weapons deployed was "Little Boy". (Little Boy was "tiny" only in comparison to "Fat Man", a weapon that used a different detonation method.)
One of the primary forces unleashed in a nuclear explosion, second only in intensity to the crushing overpressure of the blast but causing far more damage over a much larger radius, is fire.
Victini's "unlimited energy" is a pretty clear reference to nuclear power.
Knowing that, its Fire type is likely a reference to a nuclear fireball.
Victiny is a nuclear weapon Pokemon, returned to the United States in the cutest form possible.