>>24806847Hi. Sorry about the confusion, guys. I have twenty kinds of autism and I suck big, fat cocks. I don't just mean casual dick-sucking, I'm talking a full-on addiction. If I go just ten minutes without a big, juicy dick fucking my throat raw, I'd have to lit my wrists. I can't imagine a life without getting my mouth and ass fucked every day by the biggest black cocks I can find. Oh, how I hope one day for my ass to be filled with so much semen that it blows out my mouth and nose. Of course, this is reality, and as much as I wish it could be this way, there have to be breaks between my rough poundings. It feels like an eternity, and I need to find some way to entertain myself before getting that sweet, sweet cock. So I go on 4chan, and being the humongous, colossal, gigantic faggot that I am, I make another pedo thread which draws in like-minded fags from all across the board so we can rev our tragically severe autism into overdrive and have the most degenerate circlejerk while we all wait for our buttfuckings. Sometimes we, and by we I mean I, get so into it that I even have to get my phone out and sperg even harder in my shitty pedo thread while Tyrone and Jamal shred my sphincter to a paste. It's not easy being an autistic faggot child of this caliber, but I wouldn't have it any other way.