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369KiB, 497x3483, That+Eevee+Feel.+Can+you+feel+it+Mr.Krabs_5d8fb5_4285722.jpg
Lets play a game /vp/
Go here and roll 3x (single mons each time): http://randompokemon.com/
1st mon is you
2nd mon is your spouse
3rd mon is your child
How fucked are you?
1: Typhlosion
2: Chesnaught
3. Luxio
I think we'll be just fine
Go here and roll 3x (single mons each time): http://randompokemon.com/
1st mon is you
2nd mon is your spouse
3rd mon is your child
How fucked are you?
1: Typhlosion
2: Chesnaught
3. Luxio
I think we'll be just fine