>>24832321I dunno, I had quite a bit of trouble doing the machbike cracked floor segments at 9 yrs old.
Also, choice of team affects ease considerably. The only reason I beat Liza and Tate was I happened to have a sableye with me that I forgot to put back in the box, and it was immune to all the lunatone's moves, so once I finally got the solrock out of the way, it could eventually whittle it down, one fury swipes at a time.
And Wallace was a major pain for a team that main'd pelipper and blaziken. So glad that bird learns shockwave.
Playing back through once really understanding strategy of the game/my savefile got erased cause I tried to trade a buddy the other starters while forgetting it autosaves when you trade though, yeah it got a decent bit easier. More type-balanced team, more level-balanced team, better movesets.
Difficulty you experience really comes down to knowing what you're doing when teambuilding.
Except those machbike challenges. That was just reflexes. And something I'm really sad that kids today didn't have to/get to go through.
Well, and solving the regi puzzles, since now they can (will) just look it up on gamefaqs.
>>24832345which is why it comes at the end, as a post-game challenge.
Its like apex monsters in MonHun. Or Pantera Cantus in TWEWY. Or Castlevania boss rush.