>>24833791>Fair enough, still has charge time though.Charge time is however long it takes Wargreymon to open his hands and throw it, which is roughly the same amount of time it'd take Charizard to slam his fist down for blastburn.
>Metal that gets hot burns what it touches, plus the armor only covers so much, and the shield isnt all encompassing.Wargreymon has tanked more than his fair share of punishment many a time from digimon that could level cities, Charizard's shitty flamethrower won't so much as scratch his skin let alone a shield of chrome digizoid.
>I base this on how long it takes to deal damage, and because charizard can attack without charge time, he's faster.No he isn't, Wargreymon moves fast as fuck and as mentioned previously doesn't have a 'charge time.' He's likely multiple times faster than charizard and is at the absolute worst equal in speed.
>Like I said, close combat greymon wins, ranged combat charizard wins.Wrong again, wargreymon wins both. Most if not all of charizards attacks come from a single direction while Wargreymon's ranged attack is a massive spirit bomb of fuck you that Charizard can't block. Even if he could survive it, as you said before, Red ain't fireproof.
Charizard can't kill wargreymon, that's a fact. At best he could maybe possibly slightly somehow kill Tai if he tried something stupid, in which case Wargreymon would just kill Charizard and Red immediatly afterwards. Pokemon is a fun game, but it can't win this fight.