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Look what Misty fans are posting on tumblr

No.24848009 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This was just posted on tumblr recently. We're almost in the year 2016 and Misty fans are still declaring that they "quit watching when Misty left" like this is some major news or that any of us are supposed to care about their pity party.

When its been a whopping 13 years since Misty left in the ancient year of 2002, which is an eternity ago in TV time. The scary thing is most of these people are now 20-30 year old adults and they still act like the same butt-hurt 11-12 year olds they were a decade ago when Misty left.

How is this even still an issue? Even if Misty had continued into Hoenn, she would have been axed eventually anyway just like Brock was. What is wrong with these people?