>>24856098>>24856123>>24856171>>24856242> hey everyone if you're confused about what a breadfag or a roomfag is, type "/join showderp" into chat, and you'll come across the super secret showderp room! if it says room doesn't exist, pm alkanos, arkwelder, bumbadadabum, crobat, frysinger, hngmn, mentalninja, morfent, newlurker, ridaz, scotteh, or slarty. they'll ask you a question about a dank meme to make sure you're a REAL showderper so make sure your meme hats are on :D> hey everyone if you're confused about what a breadfag or a roomfag is, type "/join showderp" into chat, and you'll come across the super secret showderp room! if it says room doesn't exist, pm shrang. they wont say anything, but just tell them that crogre, or golduck, is your spirit animal, and that'll prove that you're a REAL showderper. so make sure your meme hats are on :D hey everyone if you're confused about what a breadfag or a roomfag is, type "/join showderp" into chat, and you'll come across the super secret showderp room! if it says room doesn't exist, pm alkanos, arkwelder, bumbadadabum, crobat, frysinger, hngmn, mentalninja, morfent, newlurker, ridaz, scotteh, or slarty. they'll ask you a question about a dank meme to make sure you're a REAL showderper so make sure your meme hats are on :D
hey everyone if you're confused about what a breadfag or a roomfag is, type "/join showderp" into chat, and you'll come across the super secret showderp room! if it says room doesn't exist, pm shrang. they wont say anything, but just tell them that crogre, or golduck, is your spirit animal, and that'll prove that you're a REAL showderper. so make sure your meme hats are on :D