>News/Important Info -PKHex now has a version out with new features.
-PCHex is being taken over by Slashcash in the form of PCHex++ (currently can't be used for editing, so use the original for now.)
-NNID login is kill on 10.1 or below. eShop spoof only on 10.2 or if you do not have a NNID set in your 3DS. There's a guy in GBAtemp apparently working on something, take with a grain of salt until proof:
https://gbatemp.net/threads/403913/ -HOW TO UPDATE TO 10.3 FOR OOT3DHAX/IRONHAX USERS
http://pastebin.com/jVH1wCTg >Homebrew Flowchart, what can I do at x.x 3DS version, etc, also contains useful links (CHECK THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS)
http://i.imgur.com/1Z5xMn9.png (10.2 and 10.3 have the same hax compatibility, although with different payloads)
(if you're at <=9.2 and want to do kernel/CFW stuff I recommend first going to
>>>/vg/hbg instead)
>Read before requesting Pokémon
http://pastebin.com/f7gZhpU3 >PKHeX directly on the 3DS throught Homebrew Launcher (WIP)
http://gbatemp.net/threads/405302/ >PHBank, free Pokébank alternative
https://gbatemp.net/threads/398718/ >Homebrew Instalation, has instructions to install all main *hax's
https://gbatemp.net/threads/395652/ Smealum's site:
http://smealum.github.io/3ds/ >What is this
Inject Pokemon into your XY/ORAS game using the Homebrew Launcher.
>What do I need
Any XY/ORAS game.
A PC with a SD adapter.
A way to access homebrew.
>Instructions on how to inject and general info (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS)
http://pastebin.com/SYAcZLNQ http://pastebin.com/FWSxVMue (for web exploit users)
>For ROM-hacking stuff
http://pastebin.com/zmH9KsGd >Filter these tripcodes
(Anyone who tries to trick you into going to /wfg/ for injected mons)
Last thread:
If you can't find help in this thread, scroll to the bottom, hit catalog, and then ctrl + f for wfg or wifi general. It's a lot more active and often they will be able to help.
>>24861931 > going to /wfg/ for injection Anonymous
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>>24861972 I hope you have an entire folder of Snivy's for reaction images. It's really cute.
Hi i would like to make a pokemon request can anyone send me a arceus and a perfect eevee with normal nature my fc is 3196-3597-2656
how do I check what version of firmware I have I'm positive my version is too new to use any of this regardless but I'd still like to know
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862165 Can do. Do you mean a neutral nature?
>>24862182 Yea btw i would mind it being shiny also if its ok can i have like 3? Gonna team eevee
>>24862175 Go to your settings, it's on the top screen, bottom right.
>>24862175 >how do I check what version of firmware I have Go to System Settings, the numbers below the title like pic related
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>>24862189 >>24862192 >10.3 Well I sure fucked it
Thanks for the info though
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>cheating in a children video game
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862185 Sure. Do you want specific moves/sets on anything? You can do specifics here if you do, and then just export the text.
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder Anonymous
>>24862217 Nah just get 3 eevees and 1 arceus perfects ivs. Thats all i want. Actually make 2 eevees modest and one normal and i dont mind them being shiny.
Requesting this one, thanks in advance. Kyogre @ Master Ball Ability: Drizzle Shiny: Yes EVs: 168 HP / 252 SpA / 90 Spe Modest Nature - Calm Mind - Origin Pulse - Ice Beam - Thunder
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862225 Want a specific plate on the Arceus?
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862250 What abilities on the Eevees?
>>24862267 It doesnt matter default is fine. Also can you make the pokeballs luxury
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862272 Sure. Arceus will be Cherish though since it's an event. All Eevees in Luxury balls, what lv for them?
>>24862281 Make the eevees level 30 and for arceus you can make him what ever
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862283 Any other specifics?
>>24862290 Nope thats all thanks <3
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862292 Alright, do you have a breeding ditto? Make sure and grab some trashmons.
>>24862299 I dont have breeding ditto i got trashmons u can give me a ditto if u want
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862303 Actually, I was gonna give you one if you didn't already have one haha.
>>24862304 :) so how do we do this? Its my first time i added you and got my alpha sap open
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862243 Put something up on the GTS for a lv 100 Kyogre. Avoid depositing early route mons.
>>24862308 Actually, you don't need to add me. ^_^ Just put something up on the GTS for a lv 30 Eevee. After the trade, I'll trade with you directly via acquaintance.
>>24862329 it's okay if i leave an torchic for the kyogre?
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>>24862329 I put a level 13 voltorb for a level 30 eevee
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24862345 Actually, leave it for a lv 100 Ditto since masterballs have to be traded directly.. What is the lv and gender?
>>24862356 Level 1 and Male
Man i love you so much thanks for everything your the best <3
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24862388 You too haha. No problem! Enjoy!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24862360 Thanks for the wish! ^_^ Anonymous
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>>24862356 Thank you and happy birthday!
requesting a shaymin, meloetta and diancie.
I am InjectorBro !TPWlrPZQIg
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>>24862439 i already gave you one!!!
Can anyone help? I have Pokemon Crystal on my 3ds with Gameyob. There is an option to activate cheats on it. Does anyone know a good site I can get these codes that will work on Gameyob?
>>24862704 just inject them :^) Anonymous
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>>24862720 How? PKHex won't work on Roms.
Hi I have a couple of requests im sorry for asking so much but I want to gift these to my friend as a present. I need 2 Charizards Charizard @ Luxury Ball Adamant and Modest Ability doesnt matter Shiny: Yes please both of them EVs: All 252 max please. All stats max Moveset can be default Also can you please give the mega stone for Y and X on the charizards. I need 2 Shiny Lucarios as well Lucaria @ Luxury Ball Ability: Justified or can be default if u cant do it justified Shiny: Yes please. Evs: all max please. Nature i need both Modest and Adamant. Moveset can be default it doesnt matter. And finally I need a Mew Mew @ Luxury Ball Ability = default Shiny = Yes please Evs: max please Modest Nature Default Moveset. Please do this for me I really want these. I want to give some to my friend because he really wanted some of these.
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>>24863410 Just make all of them level 30.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24862439 Still around, Anon?
You'll need to format them correctly, and specify which event you'd like.
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder 0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24863410 I'll do them, but you'll need to format them correctly, and specify which event you'd like.
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder Anonymous
>>24863422 format them? im kind of new to this, it doesn't really matter.
>>24863426 Buddy if a dude is generating pokemon for you you could at least request them in the proper format and provide movesets instead of just going "yeah w/e."
Look at this example:
Kyogre @ Master Ball
Ability: Drizzle
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 168 HP / 252 SpA / 90 Spe
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Origin Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Thunder
Do that.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24863426 Basically build the set you want, then export the text here and post.
This Anon used the correct formatting, see:
>>24862243 Anonymous
>>24863452 >>24863454 is it possible to do 252 to all evs? i get a - problem when i do that.
>>24863481 you gotta click the little box that says "enable haxs", otherwise you have a max of 510 EVs (or two at 252)
>>24863498 ok i done it
Charizard (M) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fly
- Fire Punch
Lucario (M) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch
Charizard (M) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Air Slash
- Overheat
Lucario (M) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpA / 252 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Earth Power
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
Thats my list.
>>24863507 Looks great. No problems found. I'll just import this. One thing though, they have be in love balls. It's just a thing. Working on them now
Can someone take a request for me? Been needing a ditto for breeding for a while and haven't had any luck. I have a QR for one, so if someone could inject and trade it to me i'd be amazingly appreciative.
>>24863517 How long would it take?
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>>24863669 I put a magickarp for level 30 charizard on gts
>>24863665 they hand out 6iv breeding dittos in /wfg/
>>24859353 You should ask there
>>24863507 erm how long would it take? does it take long to inject?
>>24863719 it can take up to thirty minutes when you have multiple pokemon and max EVs
>>24863676 Considering the response given when someone asked earlier for one, I think I'll stay out of that fire, thanks.
>>24863737 Your choice. I bet if you asked now someone would help
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>>24863753 Very well, will be interesting watching what people do.
>>24863507 Anyone doing this for me?
>>24863875 /wfg/ might be able to help. It looks like that other guy got his ditto desu
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>>24863877 Wfg doesnt hwlp with injectors they only help with breeding :/ i think i just gotta wait for someone to do it for me
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>>24863507 That's an epic team with epic sets dude, congrats.
Nathan 5000 - 4576 - 2468
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>>24863507 Just so you know the EVs are limited, you can't have more than 508 EV if I recall correctly.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24863507 For it to be tradeable, you'll need to only have 510 Evs per mon.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24863665 Sure. Do you want this ditto specifically, or will any perfect timid ditto do?
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>>24864208 Yeah 510, my bad.
Ok ill redo it then. Do you mind working on it guys? I really want to give it to him before tomorrow
>>24864288 Charizard (M) @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Fly
- Fire Punch
Lucario (M) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat
- Extreme Speed
- Ice Punch
- Thunder Punch
Charizard (M) @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 12 HP / 244 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Fire Blast
- Air Slash
- Overheat
Lucario (M) @ Lucarionite
Ability: Justified
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Dark Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast
Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
Level: 30
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Aura Sphere
- Earth Power
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
I redone it. Hopefully you guys can do it now.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24864299 I'll start on it now.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864299 Charizard has to be at least lv 36. Is that okay?
For a Christmas gift! Help would be appreciated; these aren't easy to get. Terrakion @ Lum Berry Ability: Justified EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Nature: Jolly - Close Combat - Double Kick - Rock Slide - Protect Latias @ Life Orb Ability: Levitate EVs: 84 HP / 172 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Draco Meteor - Defog - Psyshock - Roost Tabunne (Audino) @ Chesto Berry Ability: Regenerator Shiny: Yes EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpA Bold Nature - Simple Beam - Calm Mind - Rest - Sleep Talk
>>24864299 This must be bait.
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>>24864360 bait? what do you mean?
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864299 Put something up on the GTS for a lv 36 Charizard. Make sure it's not something you can get on an early route. Afterwards I'll trade the rest to you directly. Have some trashmons ready.
>>24864349 Yours is finished. Put something up on the GTS for a lv 100 Audino, then I'll trade with you directly for the others.
Santa Claus
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>>24864349 >For a Christmas gift! You've been a very bad boy so, nope :^)
>>24864403 i put a level 1 aerodactyl with the message /vp/
>>24864403 There's a Smeargle asking for the Audino. Appreciate it, mang.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864411 I forgot your mons have mega stones, put it back up for a lv 100 ditto if you don't mind.
>>24861885 Can I give out legal event mons with friend code trades?
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864446 Charizard is illegal, I'll give it a look.
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>>24864514 it was because of the level it was 30 you needed to do it 36 i think. Trade me ill still be here.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864427 Just a sec, I need to make that Lati from 4th gen.
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>>24864535 if you fixed the charizard you can trade me .
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24864513 No problem. Enjoy!
Oloak - 3668-8131-7454
I've been redirected here. I have a somewhat simple request. All I need is a 6 IV foreign ditto. Nature doesn't really matter. Can anon help, pretty please?
Oloak - 3668-8131-7454
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>>24864745 P-please respond.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864745 Pick a nature, and put something up on the GTS for a lv 100 Ditto.
Oloak - 3668-8131-7454
>>24864798 Ook. Put up a male pineco. I'd like a jolly Ditto then.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864819 Someone beat me to it. You might wanna check it's IVs.
I have a request, anyone who can do? Groudon @ Leftovers Ability: Drought Level: 50 EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Eruption - Fire Blast - Earth Power - Protect Xerneas @Power Herb Ability: Fairy Aura Shiny:Yes Evs: 4 HP, 252 SpA, 252 Spe Timid Nature -Geomancy -Moonblast -Dazzling Gleam -Protect It's for VGC16. Thanks in advance!
Oloak - 3668-8131-7454
>>24864838 Just checked it. Only 2IVs. Damn. I put up a female Shinx this time.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864851 It's finished. The formatting on your Xerneas is off though. Put something up on the GTS for a lv 50 Groudon.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864911 Nice.
I put a female Lv30 Rhydon.
My Ign is Shana and the message is Thanks anon!
Oloak - 3668-8131-7454
>>24864924 Thank you so much!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24864983 Dude why are you so helpful? You helped out so many peoplw its weird
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>>24864983 Thank you so much!
You're the best.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24865004 Because he's an attention whore.
>>24865031 *insert witty burn that turns the tables making you a whore or something like that*
>>24865031 Thats bloody rude go back to /pol/ we dont need rude people here
>>24865073 Found the minority. Kill yourself waste of skin.
>>24865118 No, it's not. You niggers make me wanna throw up. Take it as bait if you want but you know it's the true.
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>>24865058 That doesn't work if said person isn't using a name or trip to identify themselves. Good try, though.
>>24865126 stop bullying, andrew
>>24865164 if you're going to troll, at least funnel them into wfg
So, any word on the Happy Hour Jirachi?
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>>24865839 Only 1000 gooks got it and none shared. Wait until Dec 23 when it's gonna be distributed over FB.
Lew 0361-6762-9120
0318-7815-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24866014 Still around? You had the Krookidile, right?
A request for the two Legendary birds I'm missing if anyone would be so kind: Zapdos @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure EVs: 248 HP / 64 Def / 180 SpD / 16 Spe Calm Nature - Thunderbolt - Roost - Defog - Heat Wave Articuno @ Lucky Egg Ability: Pressure Evs: 242 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Substitute - Roost - Hurricane - Ice Beam Thank you!!
>>24866666 >satan attempts to rescue Mozart Anonymous
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>>24866672 >>24866666 incomplete trio confirmed
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24866666 Can do satan. Doing it now.
>>24866666 Fucking nice digits m8. I had left /ekx/ a while ago but there's no way I can ignore a request from someone with such gorgeous numbers.
Get some shitmon from later routes into GTS asking for either of them on lv 91+. I'm getting them done shortly. We trade the other via acquaintance.
>>24866724 thank you for using my meme image i love you deeply
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>>24866724 I put up a Tirtouga on GTS with the message "thanks yiff"
>>24866666 Do you want them to have 0 Atk IVs for minimum confusion/Foul Play damage, or the usual 6IV?
>>24866741 No problem.
>>24866762 0 Atk IVs would be great. The Tirtouga is up for Articuno btw.
>>24866763 Sent! Will be waiting on the PSS.
>>24866791 Got it! Online now for the other.
>>24866802 God danmit, let me quick fix the Zapdos, just realized it has to be from gen 4 because of Defog. You can put something else on GTS to wait for it as well.
>>24866804 Put a Cranidos up for Zapdos (I have way too many fossil mons). Same "thanks yiff" comment.
Clauncher Nickname: Russ Ability: Mega Launcher EVs: 252 Sp. Attack/ 252 HP/ 4 Sp. Def Modest Nature -Water Pulse -Dragon Pulse Level 1 Shiny: Yes Poke Ball: Dive Ball Please and thank you!
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And good bye again /ekx/!
>>24866834 how is that not formatted to a way you can understand what i'm asking for?
Hello, requesting these pokemons, thanks in advance. Mew @ Leftovers Ability: Synchronize Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe Careful Nature - Taunt - Roost - Will-O-Wisp - Knock Off Mewtwo @ Leftovers Ability: Pressure Shiny: Yes EVs: 216 HP / 42 Def / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Taunt - Recover - Will-O-Wisp - Psystrike
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24866848 It's not that you can't understand what your asking. It's that if you format your mons via showdown, they import directly into PKHex, which makes genning smoother.
>>24866868 is this better?
Clauncher @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp. Attack / 4 Sp. Def
Modest Nature
- Water Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
Poke Ball: Dive Ball
Nickname: Russ
Level: 1
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24866902 No. Use this.
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder It doesn't matter how close it is, if it doesn't import . Just leave ball type at the bottom of your export.
>>24866930 like this?
sorry for being retarded on this Clauncher (Nickname: Russ)
Level: 1
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Sp. Attack/ 252 HP/ 4 Sp. Def
Modest Nature
- Water Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
Poke Ball: Dive Ball
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24866952 You didn't use the builder haha.
This is the correct format. I'll have it done in a minute.
Russ (Clauncher) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Mega Launcher
Level: 1
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Water Pulse
- Dragon Pulse
(dive ball, ect...)
>>24866965 no, you're right, i didn't.
i got confused on how to format the nicknames and etc.
and thanks.
i'll put a level 1 Female Bunnelby up for trade with the message "Russ, pls" IGN= Kevin
3411 - 1545 - 8234
Hi, if it's not too much trouble I'd like to request a shiny foreign 6IV Ditto please. Ditto @ Flying Gem Ability: Imposter Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe Timid Nature - Transform
Question, what is the data that a "legal" Contrary Snivy and flash fire Cyndaquil should have? Are they from ORAS? Haven't played since XY so I might request those from a good Samaritan
>>24866985 i have one senpai, put something in the gts for a level 100 ditto
Quoted By:
>>24867013 They are both legal in ORAS
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24867015 I deposited a level 1 male Togepi with the message "thanks anon." Thanks for this.
>>24866985 gems are not tradeable via GTS/wi-fi, only local wireless
>>24867028 There you go familiar
3411 - 1545 - 8234
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>>24867029 I didn't know that. I don't mind not having the gem, then.
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24867035 Thank you.
I don't like bothering people too much, so now I can breed pokemon and not clutter the thread unless I absolutely need something. Merry Christmas to all of you.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24866866 Put something up on the GTS for a lv 100 Ditto, and I'll get you via acquaintance.
>>24866976 I'm getting online now.
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>>24867047 Merry Christmas to you too!
Quoted By:
>>24867059 Cool. I'll be there.
>>24867059 I will put an female Gothorita level 50 whit the message "Thanks vp"
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24866976 That Bunnelby is probably buried now. You might have to deposit something that isn't available till later in the game.
>>24867091 Russ came through.
Thank you very much, anon!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24867075 Is your IGN Kevin?
>>24867100 I have you in my friend list, i'll trade you.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24867099 No problem! ^_^ Enjoy.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24867107 Oh haha. Next time I fill your request, mention that we're friend and we can skip the GTS step haha.
>>24867111 Thanks man, i hope i'm not bothering you whit these legendary pokemons,'m just trying to complete the dex. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24867130 It's not a problem. Merry Christmas to you too, Anon! Thanks! :3
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
I have a couple requests Zekrom Ability: Teravolt Shiny: Yes Adamant Nature - Fusion Bolt - Crunch - Outrage - Bolt Strike Reshiram Ability: Turboblaze Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Blue Flare - Shadow Ball - Dragon Pulse - Fusion Flare Kyurem Ability: Pressure EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe Modest Nature - Glaciate - Dragon Pulse - Earth Power - Shadow Ball
Requesting this: Brave Bird @ Bravebirdite Ability: Brave Bird Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk Brave Nature - Brave Bird - Brave Bird - Brave Bird - Brave Bird:^)
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24867192 Still online, Anon?
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Lew 0361-6762-9120
>>24867482 I'm online so I'll get my krookadile and also this badboy if you have time
Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Explosion
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
Quoted By:
>>24867482 I'm online now, hopefully I'm not too late. Also, I forgot to add that the Kyurem is shiny.
I got a 9.2 sysnand 10.0 emunand old3ds with Gateway. My legit copy of ORAS is unpatched on both nands. Can I update my emunand, install all ORAS updates and still get PKHex + Savedatafiler to work? Or does the QR/Browser injection method still work?
>>24869229 Also, will I be able to go trade hackmons online with rxtools + legit cartridge if I update everything except sysnand?
If someone replies with info I might help with requests :^)
>>24869229 >>24869239 Yes, you can go online as long as you have the latest pokemon update.
I think you can install an -20~-22 browser CIA to get the browser exploit on your emunand.
>>24869528 That died with the NNID update
>>24870121 Pokemon doesn't need NNID to go online though. For pokemon things, I think only Pokebank and Shuffle need NNID login.
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>>24870139 No, but you can't do the .cia patch without the NNID spoof, which is dead
So, how does the Game Sinc ID edit in PKHeX work? I tried to unban a cartridge by deleting it, but then the game wouldn't let me go into rating battles because it throws me an error about Global Link. I still have another cartridge anyway, but I kind wanted to see if it worked or not. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
>>24870307 PKHex cant modify the Game Sync ID
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>>24870823 >Jan 15th, 2015 It can. Download the latest version.
How risky is CFW for 9.2? I just want to inject Pokemon, can I do that with Homebrew by itself? The images in the OP don't tell me if I can.
I'm requesting this two, thanks in advance. Manaphy @ Leftovers Ability: Hydration EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Scald - Energy Ball - Psychic - Tail Glow Tornadus-Therian @ Life Orb Ability: Regenerator EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hurricane - U-turn - Taunt - Heat Wave
>>24870921 >>>/vg/hbg Also, if you it correctly you will be safe, but if you press buttons like a retarded maybe you could brick it. Just tell at /hbg/ your version and shit. And read OP, there's an image flowchart there for hack stuff.
Quoted By:
>>24871069 Their OP says "download the latest firmware"
There's a load of files and I can't see anything regarding information on what files specifically to download.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
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>>24867543 I'll start on it in a second.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24870982 Still online, Anon?
Quoted By:
>>24873024 Happy birthday man!
Did you enjoy your birthday, injector anon?
Lew 0361-6762-9120
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
Thanks a ton! :3
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24873131 I did! Thanks for asking!
>>24873137 0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24873137 I'm getting online now.
Requesting these pokemons, thanks in advance: Chesnaught (F) @ Leftovers Ability: Overgrow Shiny: Yes EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD Impish Nature - Drain Punch - Wood Hammer - Leech Seed - Spiky Shield Cobalion @ Leftovers Ability: Justified Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Close Combat - Swords Dance - Substitute - Stone Edge Metagross @ Leftovers Ability: Clear Body Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Meteor Mash - Zen Headbutt - Ice Punch - Hammer Arm Deoxys @ Light Clay Ability: Pressure Shiny: Yes EVs: 32 HP / 32 Atk / 252 Def / 192 Spe Naive Nature - Reflect - Light Screen - Psycho Boost - Low Kick
Lew 0361-6762-9120
Quoted By:
>>24873156 thanks for the cloyster!!!
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
>>24873162 Yo, Still online Anon? Still haven't had my request fulfilled. I must have bad timing
>>24867465 Anonymous
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
>>24873596 ditto with 30 ivs all around please
Quoted By:
>>24873604 Not him but why 30 instead of 31?
>>24873614 breeding for hidden power
>>24873623 I can supply you with the HP ditto you need
>>24873627 yes please, what do you want?
>>24873635 I want you to tell me what you need...........
>>24873638 ditto with HP Fire
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
>>24873596 Yes, I had a request earlier
>>24867192 Anonymous
>>24873641 >>24873645 okay but all of these will be in love balls.
>>24873660 i'll chuck a totodile on the gts
>>24873645 You'll need to ask for these in /wfg/. It's a lot more helpful. It's hard to inject legendaries
>>24873673 I forgot the love ball. Someone sniped your mon. Upload another one please
Carlos 0860-3532-2819
Quoted By:
>>24873660 I'm alright with them being in Love balls.
Forgot a tiny detail btw, can you make kyurem shiny?
Vitro 5344-0863-0662
Apparently someone pretended to be me so I'm requesting again, thanks in advance. Manaphy @ Leftovers Ability: Hydration EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Scald - Energy Ball - Psychic - Tail Glow Tornadus-Therian @ Life Orb Ability: Regenerator EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Hurricane - U-turn - Taunt - Heat Wave
Κώστας 3282-3168-5297
Requesting shiny Miltank. Any moveset is fine.
Quoted By:
>>24873716 >It's hard to inject legendaries No, it's not.
You are just a lazy nigger that's too stupid to try.
Κώστας 3282-3168-5297
Quoted By:
>>24874447 Forgot the format
Miltank @ Master Ball
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD / 4 HP
Impish Nature
- Moo Moo Milk
- Zen Headbutt
- Heal Bell
- Rollout
Quoted By:
Can anyone change my Mandibuzz's ability to Overcoat?
Semi 3540-1448-0963
Quoted By:
Requesting Groudon Groudon @ Focus Sash Ability: Drought Level: 50 EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Earthquake - Fire Punch - Dragon Claw - Rock Polish And 6iv of course Repeat ball if possible
>>24861885 Now im new to ijections and hacked mons in general but i have just a short answer.
my drea has always been to have torterra in different balls than pokeball, if say i got a female torterra in a safari ball would it mess my game up hard if i used it or say started breeding safari ball turtwigs?
Quoted By:
>>24874983 No, it shouldn't mess up your game.
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
Quoted By:
>>24874430 Okay, i'll do this, but the manaphy will be a kor event one, because i don't have any others. Is that okay?
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
>>24874430 Got 'em. Let me know when you are online
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24875081 Not that guy, but could I get the same Manaphy, please? I've always wanted one.
Quoted By:
>>24874983 It won't do anything to your game and you will even be able to use it online, but if you plan to use it in a real tournament, they'll disqualify you, unless you're Ray Rizzo, of course.
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
Κώστας 3282-3168-5297
Quoted By:
can u give me a shiny miltank i really need it.i would really appreciate it
3411 - 1545 - 8234
Quoted By:
>>24875133 Thanks. Do I put something on GTS?
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
>>24875100 add me and get on
3411 - 1545 - 8234
Quoted By:
>>24875151 Doing that right now.
I don't want to clutter the thread so I just want to say thanks in advance.
Vitro 5344-0863-0662
>>24875081 No problem, thanks.
I'm online right now
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
Quoted By:
>>24875169 k i'll get you your pokes after the guy above
Quoted By:
Requesting a heatran, kingra, sceptile all 6IV please Heatran @ Leftovers Ability: Flash Fire Lv 100 Timid nature EVs 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD Magma Storm Taunt Earth Power Toxic Kingra @ Choice Specs Ability Swift Swim EVS 28 Atk / 252 SpA /228 Spd Rain Dance Dragon Pulse Hydro Pump Ice Beam Sceptile @ Sceptilite Naive Overgrow 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Substitute Energy Ball Focus Blast Hidden Power / Fire i'll only be one for about a hour so i hope this doesn't take too long :(
Steven 2492-4348-1957
Requesting some legendaries I dont have Reshiram @ Choice Specs Ability: Turboblaze Level: 50 Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Blue Flare - Earth Power - Draco Meteor - Dragon Pulse Zekrom @ Choice Band Ability: Teravolt Level: 50 Shiny: Yes EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Lonely Nature - Bolt Strike - Outrage - Stone Edge - Volt Switch Kyurem @ Choice Scarf Ability: Pressure Level: 50 Shiny: Yes EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Modest Nature - Fusion Flare - Ice Beam - Draco Meteor - Earth Power Diancie @ Leftovers Ability: Clear Body Level: 50 EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Mild Nature - Diamond Storm - Moonblast - Earth Power - Calm Mind Hoopa @ Life Orb Ability: Magician Level: 50 EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Lonely Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Hyperspace Hole - Psychic - Drain Punch - Gunk Shot Thanks in advance!
Steven 2492-4348-1957
>>24875728 Fucked up the hoopa, heres the fixed one
Hoopa @ Life Orb
Ability: Magician
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Hyperspace Hole
- Psychic
- Drain Punch
- Gunk Shot
Quoted By:
>>24875733 Provide me with the pk6 files and i can give em to ya real quick
>>24875113 is PPORG the only page that collect all the wondercards?
I don't know how any of this works, but all I want is either Landorus, or a Thundurus so I can get the other myself I already have Tornadus I don't care about level (preferably base capture level 50 with base capture moves) but it doesn't matter
Quoted By:
>>24875906 You could at least read the OP. It tells you about how to make it easier. Go here
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder and make your pokemon and then click the "export" button and copypaste it.
Quoted By:
>>24875892 No.
>>24875906 then go to wfg if you cant read.
Okay, so I have two issues. First off, I'm trying to breed some Bronzor (inb4 >not just injecting all your Pokemon) and I need a Ditto. However, the Ditto islands are fucking me over, so I need an injected one. 6IV, holding a Power Band or some shit, preferably Modest and foreign just for MM. Second, I have nowhere near the patience required to SR for a fuckton of legendary Pokemon for VGC 2016 and similar, and I missed a lot of events before I got into Pokemon. Someone mind helping with these sets? Diancie @ Diancite Ability: Clear Body EVs: 208 Atk / 48 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Diamond Storm - Moonblast - Earth Power - Protect (Looks like it came out of the event, so Cherish Ball, OT Hope, event encounter, etc.) Groudon @ Choice Specs (because Red Orb won't work and I need them for another 'mon) Ability: Drought EVs: 96 Atk / 252 SpA / 104 SpD / 56 Spe Mild Nature - Rock Polish - Lava Plume - Dragon Pulse - Precipice Blades (Heavy Ball, because it's technically legal because of HGSS and the move relearner) Kyogre @ Choice Band (see above) Ability: Drizzle EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe Modest Nature - Calm Mind - Origin Pulse - Ice Beam - Thunder Latias @ Latiasite Ability: Levitate EVs: 248 HP / 84 Def / 176 Spe Bold Nature - Calm Mind - Roost - Focus Blast - Stored Power Hoopa @ Choice Scarf Ability: Magician EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe Hasty Nature - Hyperspace Fury - Psychic - Gunk Shot - Drain Punch (Cherish Ball, OT Mac, all the stuff you need to get it "legit") ...and that should do it. If someone wouldn't mind helping out, I'd much appreciate it!
Quoted By:
>>24876146 Oh, and if possible, I'd like the Kyogre in a Lure Ball and Latias in a Luxury Ball.
>>24876146 only latias will be allowed in VGC16, pentagon is needed and pixies are banned
>>24876146 cool. upload the pk6 files and ill inject them for you
>>24876185 Sorry, a bunch of shit was happening. Also, I'm with my family for the holidays, so I don't actually have my computer to make the files.
>>24876170 Point. Okay, so Kyogre should be in a Dive Ball and Groudon in a Repeat Ball (just because I like Repeat Ball).
>>24876689 still applies, so I would really appreciate it if someone were to make 'em for me. The Ditto doesn't need to be fancy, just 6IV and Modest.
>>24876829 take a pic of your fridge
or toilet and i'll do them for you
Takador [2707-2109-6235]
Can someone make me a Hoopa like the one from the McD distribuition? I swear to god, I went to fucking 10 different Mcdonald's and none of them had goddamn wifi;_;
>>24876844 I can inject for y'all, I just need you to actually do some work and make the friggen files.
Takador [2707-2109-6235]
Quoted By:
>>24876850 I am new at this, i read the request link but still, do I make it showdown or what?
>>24876836 What the fuck? Do you have an appliance fetish?
Quoted By:
>>24876879 no, i think that you should be able to offer something in exchagne of those pokes you want and since you seem to be away from your PC i thought a pic would be enough but i guess i was wrong
Orochi 0576-4860-3899
Quoted By:
>>24876879 he wants to make sure they're in working order
I can inject anything you need. I also have the McDonald's Hoopa ready to go (just iv/nature modified to make it competitive)
I don't check this general that often. Just ask in /wfg/ if you need anything. This thread is filled with trolls that won't help you.
>>24869364 Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877269 Thanks, but no thanks, Injectorfriend. I came from there. Normally I do my stuff legit, but I do not have the patience for legendaries, nor do I have the ability to hunt for Dittos (because fucking hell, these mirage spots are absolute garbage.)
>>24877303 oh, if you need a ditto, just put a breeding leftover bred on your cart on GTS for a level 100 ditto
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877314 What do you need that for? I've been doing a lot of WTing recently, so you probably already have my Trainer ID for the lotto. If you want, I've got a spare Japanese Smeargle I traded for specifically! You can have that, I'm sure you don't have that ID for the lotto!
>>24877359 It needs to be your Trainer ID. I am exporting the QR now to modify it. I'm almost ready
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877370 Oh! Sorry, then.
>>24876466 has made me understandably a bit wary of people going specifically for my ID. Are you sure you don't want the other Pokemon? I'd be happy to hand it off to you!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
I'm back guys. If your request hasn't been filled just reply to this post with what you want injected.
Quoted By:
>>24877380 I am ready with the ditto. I need your Trainer ID for the lottery though. It's just a thing. It's 6iv modest. When you are ready, just upload whatever on GTS for a level 100 ditto
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877400 Hi, if you could handle
>>24876146 I would really, really appreciate it!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877405 Can do. I'll start on them now.
Quoted By:
>>24877418 >actually fulfilling requests without giving them shit what's wrong with you
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
What ball for Kyogre, and Latias? Also, I'm pretty sure the Red and Blue orbs are tradeable if you'd like to try.
>>24877462 Love Balls only
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877462 Nah, I'm good - I've got both of them through the course of normal play. Also, since I'd like the pentagon for all of them, I'd appreciate it if Groudon could be in a Repeat Ball, Kyogre in a Dive Ball, and Latias in a Luxury Ball.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24877469 Gee wiz you sure got me, Anon.
>>24877473 .......is your Trainer ID 01920, by chance?
Jacob 4828-4556-2303 !p/75PGQGa6
Quoted By:
>>24877485 Nope! Starts with a 3, not a 0.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877473 So just to make sure. You no longer want the SSHG in heavy balls? I
Jacob 4828-4556-2303 !p/75PGQGa6
>>24877504 No, very sorry! The main reason I want these is for VGC 2016, and if they don't have the pentagon they aren't legal.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877507 Alright add my FC, and I'll add up momentarily. Also, grab some trash mon. I can also give you a breeding ditto if you don't already have one.
Jacob 4828-4556-2303 !p/75PGQGa6
>>24877526 I believe I already have your FC! And a breeding Ditto would be wonderful, thanks.
>>24877400 I have a request but it's 6 pokemon. Is that OK or too much?
Galvantula (M)
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 4 HP / 4 SpD
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Sticky Web
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Defog
- Recover
Slurpuff (F)
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 228 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Play Rough
- Belly Drum
- Drain Punch
- Magic Coat
Chandelure (F)
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball
- Trick
Gardevoir (F)
Ability: Trace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 16 HP / 8 Def / 232 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hyper Voice
- Psyshock
- Taunt
- Focus Blast
Espeon (M)
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psyshock
- Dazzling Gleam
- Baton Pass
- Hidden Power [Fire]
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877551 Go for it man.
>>24877543 Getting online now.
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877555 What's your IGN? Isaiah*, right?
3411 - 1545 - 8234
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877564 So...what happened? What's the glitch? Does Kyogre have the Blue Orb after all, and the game doesn't want to trade it?
>>24877585 He's not very good at injecting, desu
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877562 That's me. The Kyogre/Latias are illegal. Let me look them over.
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
>>24877590 Well, he's doing it for free and not trying to cram it into /wfg/, so he's fine by me.
>>24877592 Thanks in advance, friend!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877598 Alright, let's try this again.
>>24877564 I have yours finished. Add me, and I'll add you back momentarily.
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
Quoted By:
>>24877620 Okay then, whenever you're ready.
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24877620 OK, I added you. I just want to say in advance how thankful I am for this.
Jacob 4828-4556-2303
Quoted By:
>>24877620 Oh well. Apparently, Latias just isn't meant to be. I don't really need them that bad, so I'm just gonna sign off for the evening. Thanks!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24877598 Mind if I put the Latias in a Pokeball? I know it will pass then.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877630 It's no problem man. I'm getting online now.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24877705 I'll start on them now.
3411 - 1545 - 8234
Quoted By:
>>24877680 Thanks again. You're a hero. Have a merry Christmas.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Thanks, Anon! Merry Christmas to you as well! Would you like a breeding ditto as well?
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24877760 No, I've already got a breeding Ditto from another anon in these threads and you've done too much for me. Just have a good one.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877772 Oh, alrighty then. Have you added me? I'm adding you now.
Ruby 3797 9848 3703
Requesting a heatran, kingra, sceptile all 6IV please Heatran @ Leftovers Ability: Flash Fire Lv 100 Timid nature EVs 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 SpD Magma Storm Taunt Earth Power Toxic Kingra @ Choice Specs Ability Swift Swim EVS 28 Atk / 252 SpA /228 Spd Rain Dance Dragon Pulse Hydro Pump Ice Beam Sceptile @ Sceptilite Naive Overgrow 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Substitute Energy Ball Focus Blast Hidden Power / Firemy first ekx request plz no bully
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24877797 >all 6IV please >all fucking special attackers >one doesn't even have the nature >different format for each fucking mon oh come the fuck on, man
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877804 I've added you as well. Are you online?
>>24877797 I'll start on them momentarily.
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24877809 We just traded but I'm EV training something so I'm not online.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877822 Oh, well I have your mons ready, so get online haha.
I just want to make a small request. Though it's pretty large to me. Victini (Preferably Shiny.) @ Leftovers Ability: Victory Star Lv 15 Timid Nature Evs 252 Speed, 125 attack, 125 Defense, 6 Spa Ivs, maxed V create Glaciate Bolt strike Hidden power I don't know if I set this up right, If anything's off or wouldn't work please let me know.
3411 - 1545 - 8234
>>24877828 Oh you got me confused with someone else, man. You already traded me what I asked for here
>>24877551 . I just wanted to say thanks.
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24877835 Oh okay haha. Well it's no problem at all. Enjoy!
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877797 I have yours ready Anon, do you have me added?
>>24873228 >>24877857 H-hey bro, you skiped m-me
Ruby 3797 9848 3703
Quoted By:
>>24877808 sorry for triggering your autism family
>>24877809 the list was kinda rushed but im in no big rush
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
>>24877859 I haven't skipped you haha. Have you added me? What's your FC? I have your mons done.
Ruby 3797 9848 3703
>>24877857 added and online
Quoted By:
>>24877867 Oh, sorry. I have you added, i'll trade you.
Quoted By:
>>24877867 I have you added but you're trading whit some one else
0318-7818-7250 !J09xrUULSY
Quoted By:
>>24877872 Sorry I got confused for a second. I am working on yours now. In the future please use this to format your mons.
http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/teambuilder FC: 4528 1400 5431
Quoted By:
Would like to make a request, thanks!! Cecil (Ralts) (F) @ Gardevoirite Ability: Trace Level: 10 Shiny: Yes EVs: 36 HP / 236 SpA / 236 Spe Modest Nature - Calm Mind - Hyper Voice - Psyshock - Dazzling Gleam (Moon Ball) Putting up a level 1 female ferroseed in the GTS looking for a level 1 female ralts with the following message. /vp/ Thanks!