>>24983979>>24984014see, these are the aformentioned smogon/tourneyfags.
they have every reason to gen, and no real reason not to.
>>24983970and this is the guy playing for memories and the journey.
he has no reason to gen, and a severe lose off meaning to do so.
And for those that do both, por que no las dos?
>>24983924have your journey, then when you decide you want a break from that or yo feel your jounrey has come to an end, spawn in your uber-mon-sch and do pvp without any of the pointless grinding required to get your team made.
the only exceptions should be like this guy here,
>>24983937 where they want to play the pvp with their journeymon as a continuation of said journey. and this is fine, so long as he's willing to accept he may be at a disadvantage doing so.
but even then he's not wasting time breeding and breeding and breeding to make his team. it already exists, he spent his entire journey making it.
Basically, what I'm saying is, there's no reason to ever breed a team anymore. If you only want the journey, chainbreeding doesn't supply that, only having a journey with them will. If you only want the stats, injecting is faster. If you want both, you already have your team from when you journeyed. There is no reason to ever spend hours breeding again, except maybe pokedex completion, which is a journey of sorts that could still require it.