>spend dozens of hours holding a button down
>my arteries get sore from all the exercise so I drink my third cup of soda
>eventually have over a hundred of the same pokemon before I get the one with the right stats, nature, ability, and gender
>this is the most productive thing I have done all week
>mom tells me supper is ready, I tell her to bring it down here because I got stuck in the chair again
>now I have to spend hours training it
>I have to cheese my way through this, I use Blissey bases to get it done
>after all I believe that time is valuable
>take a break and righteously complain on /vp/ about people who cheat their pokemon in
>partway through the grinding I break another A button
>this happens all the time, luckily I have a garrison of 10 backup 3ds that my moms rich boyfriend bought me when I said I would call the cops about him beating her
>I feel a shit coming forward, have to decide whether I should go to my jug across the room or just let it go in my pants
>finally, I have my lv.100 Sableye that I copied the smogon moveset for
>now I need to repeat the process 5 more times to complete my team
>shit my pants