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A couple of rom hack/alternative questions

No.24989845 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you /vp/, I don't want to shit up your board. But I find it difficult to pack my 3DS everywhere, but I do have my phone everywhere. So I'm basically left to Roms and knock offs. So here are some questions

>What are your favorite settings for a Randomizer for FireRed

>Favorite alternative starting trio for Fire Red

I've been toying with the idea of using Taurus-Miltank-Kangaskhan as a themed alternative starter trio

>Favorite ROM Hacks with all original Pokemon

I'd like to play something with completely new Pokes, it helps me feel like I'm not treading the same ground

>Favorite Android based Alternative

I've heard some ok things about Siralim, but I don't know much about what is out on the market.