You guys are just pissed because you hate Pikachu and Mewtwo. I don't really give a shit about Mewtwo, but I LOVE Pikachu, so I'm perfectly fine with this. You guys are lucky they put in even 1 or 2 less well known pokemon like Gardevoir.
Let me remind you, there are far more Pikachu fans like me than Pikachu haters. We don't show up on /vp/ very often because we're casual as fuck, but remember, casual pays the bills. Trying to appeal to hardcore players and hipsters will end up with a lot of money spent on something that 80% of potential buyers don't give half a shit about. Does having 2 Pikachus make me want the game more? Fuck yeah, it does! Would replacing Luchador Pikachu with Darmanitan or Mawile or some other obscure pokemon make me want to buy it more? Not really, and only a very small amount of people would.
Remember, the game's point isn't to be a good game that has your bro in it. The point of the game is to make money, and adding characters costs money in the form of labor, while delaying when the game can come out.