+ Its defences are astounding with a base 150 in each, making it very bulky
+ Its support movepool is fantastic. It can Stealth Rock, set up screens and Trick Room with very little concern that it will be defeated in one hit.
+ Aside from one huge 4* weakness, it has a great typing.
- Due to its typing, Bullet Punch on strong Pokémon will wreck it
- It can't really attack that well. 50/50 Attack stats are not passable
- Its bulk is hindered somewhat by base 50 Hit Points.
- It has really low Speed, which means it will almost certainly be taking a hit before - Outclassed by Diancie
Clear Body: Opponents’ moves which lower this Pokémon’s stats have no effect. However this Pokémon may lower its own stats with its own moves. - A decent enough ability on most Pokémon, and prevents opponents from lowering its stats. However, most moves you'll find that do that don't affect Carbink in any damaging way.
Hidden Ability (Available):
Sturdy:The Pokémon will remain with 1 HP if it was going to be knocked out by a move when at full Hit Points, and it is immune to One Kit KO moves. - You're going to be using Carbink for set up, and this all but guarantees that Carbink will survive to at least make one, Mold Breaker not-withstanding
On the Carbink of Survival
-Light Screen
-Stealth Rock/Trick Room
Item Attached: Light Clay/Leftovers/Rocky Helmet
Ability: Sturdy
EVs and Nature:
EVs: 252 HP/128 Def/128 SDef
Bold (+Def, -Atk) or Calm (+SDef, -Atk)