>>25034713I'm not updating to 10.4 because I want to keep playing my emulators on something with decent button controls.
but I'm certainly not downgrading until there's a reason for it other than piracy. if you brick your machine trying to steal licences, then that's just karma.
Though yeah, you're right, more work needs to be done into creating homebrew titles for the 3ds, not just keeping it viable. viability without cause is silly to hold onto so tightly.
Cutom themes are alright, and the ability to do rom-patches and edit savedata is certainly a nice feat to have attained. lets you anti-jew pokemon shuffle, gen in competitive teams on the fly, play romhacks.
wait those are all pokemon titles.
Is there just nothing else worth tampering with on the 3ds?
I saw monster hunter had a save editor somebody made, but why would you bother, you're just making a finished file then, you're skipping all the fun and game.