>>25042712I think the hate comes from them being lazily done. This is a problem for all RPGmaker games sadly. I messed around on XP and VX for all sorts of dumb, non-pokemon related stuff. You probably don't even need to script for 95% of it. There are plenty of available scripts out there for you to just copy and paste. Even the default battle system could be tweaked enough to play almost just like pokemon if you're up to such a task. I bet it's even easier to find scripts since pokemon is popular, I tracked down forum posts and found scripts emulating mechanics form obscure P&P games before trying to script them myself. So emulating the mechanics should be piss easy. Which means you shouldn't skimp out on anything else. That's where I think the hate comes from. Either it doesn't emulate well enough or it does but everything else is done so lazily despite RPG maker being made to make creating an RPG as painless as humanly possible.
I might be in the minority opinion but I feel like if you're going to go through the effort of doing this in RPG maker you should take liberties with some of the user interface, some streamlining to how information is presented to the player to speed up battle. Just little tweaks. Make the pokemon game with changes you would like to see in the mainline games. That's just me. I don't know what fangame player wants from fangames aside from a single player experience that isn't too easy.
TL;DR it shouldn't be hard to get a pokemon fangame up and running in RPGmaker but that means you should use that extra time and convenience for something that feels nice, looks good, and isn't bare bones as fuck.