Vanilluxe: Something entirely new... (At first I was like "snow warning or refrigerate"....but aurorus would cry, we can do better. Given their model and relative shittiness I was thinking a nerfed parental bond where both hits hit for half BP would be appropriate to give them a niche).
Accelgor:Storm Drain/Dry Skin (It already has hydration and it honestly could use something more powerful but this was the best I could think of that didn't go overboard. Also I just saw it learns water shuriken....what the fuck..)
Volcarona: Shield Dust (I love this thing to death and would love to see it get something absurd but....It's already good even with it's flaws so, just give it something that isn't the two awful abilities it does have)
Delphox: Adaptability (It fucking blows, victini exists, the other two starters got fantastic abilities, ...lets get crazy. It's a spellcaster and supposed to be highly intelligent and focused so give it something that reflects that).
Pyroar: A special attack equivalent of moxie (It already has moxie and is clearly a special attacker...).
Florges: Natural Cure (anything is better than what it has and this makes sense on a defensive flower motif pokemon)
Gourgeist: Flash Fire/Cursed body (Another "I love you, why aren't you good?" buff... Jackolanterns are already burning on the inside so flash fire isn't a stretch...barring that the dex entries talk about curses and it's an eerie ghost so cursed body would be my second choice).
Hoopa: Infiltrator (It's able to warp space to steal just about anything....this would be perfect thematically in my opinion. It might give Hoopa-U a little more edge than it needs but magician is trash and this makes far more sense).