Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[53 / 19 / ?]


No.25123417 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sorry about that, I don't know what happened to the previous thread, I am sorry about that. I have a few questions, could you care to answer them for me~?
1.) How long does it take to get into the community.
2.) What happened to the previous thread?
3.) Who wants to see me play on twitch later? I get pretty lonely by myself. :(
4.) What is 4chan? I was led here by my friend, you could see him at the bottom of my Profile.
5.) What is bait? I have been on 4chan for a few minutes now but I don't have a clue. > w <
6.) What types of pokemon threads are accepted? I don't want to get mistaken for making the wrong threads and getting banned.