Dragon is very far from top tier. Only okay defensively and while it's pretty decent offensively from typechart perspective its common offensive moves are garbage (Dragon Claw/Pulse are weak, Outrage/Draco have serious drawbacks).
Electric is average. Good defensively and decent offensively, but has garbage physical moves, so any good electric is always special.
Levitators are everywhere and whatnot, but being SE against five different types and its resists being lackluster (Bug, Grass) or easy to cover (Flying) is offensively wonderful. It's also not that bad defensively.
Psychic is bad. Psyshock is its only niche.
Rock is one of the worst types in existence, tied with Ice. Bad defensively, and its good typechart matchups are held back by its shitty offensive moves, even worse than Dragon's.
Poison is one of the best defensive types.
Normal is good defensively thanks to being mostly neutral. While it may seem bad offensively from typechart, it's got the best offensive moves in the game in Extreme Speed and Boomburst. Anything with STAB and decent statline to abuse them (very rare unfortunately) is guaranteed to be good.
Bug is nowhere near as horrid as Ice and Rock. More or less Psychic level, U-Turn is its only niche.