>>25169230>LeafFigment of PRofessor Oak's imagination
>KrisCaught Suicune, wandered around Kanto for a while, mysteriously disappeared one day, although you can still talk to her on the phone, so presumably still alive.
>MayThwarted Team Aqua, hangs out in the battle Frontier
>DawnCould not complete the Pokedex, as per her father (Rowan's) request. Failure as a trainer, lives with her dad. She did catch Palkia, though.
>BrendanDefeated Steven and caught Rayquaza. Saved the world from a meteor. Considered a hero and a living national treasure.
>RedDefeated Team Rocket and beat the Elite 4. Didn't want to become a celebrity, so he fucked off to a cave to train all day.
>EthanSame as Red. Thwarted Team Rocket, defeated the Elite , fucked off to the very same cave with Red.
>LucasCould not complete the pokedex as per Rowan's request either. Lives with his Mom, occasionally goes out to try in vain to scan more pokemon to complete the dex.