>>25182713>>25182759I was really thinking along the lines of a mainstream, next gen title, rather than a spinoff. As such, I'd much prefer to see this premise done with the traditional Pokemon formula, rather than have loads of changes. I know it's a plebeian way to go about it, but I reckon it'd keep the audience much larger.
I'm thinking instead of Pokeballs, trainers use special crystals, that can store and release Pokemon at will. They can be kept on a staff, around the waist on a belt, etc. and they come in different varieties, like Pokeballs. I imagine only specialized merchants can sell them, and they can only be found in special caves.
Instead of the PC, they have something called, an InfiniCrystal or something, which is basically a crystal ball that can store huge amounts of Pokemon in it. You use a spell to send the Pokemon you caught over to the InfiniCrystals they have in most Inns.
It's hard to think outside of the ''CRYSTALS AND SPELLS'' box when it comes to the typical fantasy genre, i'll admit.